Last updated on: 12.06.2009

 Name:Huben Ganev
 Occupation:Assistant Professor 1-st degree
 Office Address:Laboratory of Theoretical Nuclear Physics,
Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
72 Tzarigradsko Shaussee, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
 Office Phone:(359-2) 979 - 5625
 Office Fax:(359-2) 975-36-19
 Birth Date:1977
 Birth Place:Varna, Bulgaria
 Marital Status:Single


Ph.D. in Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria

Diploma Work and Master Degree in Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Physics Department, Sofia University "St. Kl. Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria

Study at the Physics Department, Sofia University "St. Kl. Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria


2009 - Present
Assistant Professor (1-st degree), Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria

2006 - 2009
Assistant Professor (2-nd degree), Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria

Ph.D. student, Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria

Physicist, Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria


Bulgarian, English, Russian


Bulgarian Physical Sociaty


Group-Theoretical Approaches, Nuclear Structure, Algebraic Models, Dynamical Symmetries and Supersymmetris, Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Collective Motion


  • V. P. Garistov, A. Georgieva, and H. Ganev, On Simultaneous Description of the Positive and Negative Parity Bands in the Interacting Vector Boson Model, Algebraic Methods in Nuclear Theory - collection of scientific papers dedicated to Dr. Roussy P. Roussev, ed. A. N. Antonov, Heron Press, Sofia, 2002, pp 113 – 116.
  • H. Ganev, V. P. Garistov, and A. I. Georgieva, Description of the ground and octupole bands in the symplectic extension of the interacting vector boson model, Phys. Rev. C 69, 014305 (2004).
  • H. G. Ganev, V. P. Garistov, A. I. Georgieva, and J. P. Draayer, Energy systematics of low-lying collective states within the framework of the interacting vector boson model, Phys. Rev. C 70, 054317 (2004).
  • H. G. Ganev, A. I. Georgieva and V. P. Garistov, Analytic Formulae for the Matrix Elements of the Transition Operators in the Symplectic Extension of the Interacting Vector Boson Model, Bulg. J. Phys. 32, No 2, 124-135 (2005).
  • H. G. Ganev, A. I. Georgieva and J. P. Draayer, Six-dimensional Davidson potential as a dynamical symmetry of the symplectic interacting vector boson model, Phys. Rev. C 72, 014314 (2005).
  • A. Solnyshkin , V. P. Garistov, A. Georgieva, H. Ganev, and V.V. Burov, Analysis of new experimental data on the 160Dy spectrum with the symplectic interacting vector boson model, Phys. Rev. C 72, 064321 (2005).
  • H. G. Ganev and A. I. Georgieva, Transition probabilities in the U(6) limit of the Symplectic Interacting Vector Boson Model, Phys. Rev. C 76, 054322 (2007).
  • H. G. Ganev, Collective states of the odd-mass nuclei within the framework of the interacting vector boson model, J. Phys. G Nucl. Part. Phys. 35, No 12, 125101 (2008).
  • A. I. Georgieva, H. G. Ganev, J. P. Draayer and V. P. Garistov, Description of mixed-mode dynamics within the Symplectic extension of the Interacting Vector Boson Model, ЭЧАЯ, 40, issue 4, 461 (2009).
  • H. G. Ganev, A. I. Georgieva, S. Brant, and A. Ventura, New description of the doublet bands in doubly odd nuclei, Phys. Rev. C 79, 044322 (2009).

    June 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008; XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV, XXVII
    International Workshop on Nuclear Theory Rila Mountains, Bulgaria

    August 25-29, 2003
    Fifth General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union Vrnjacka Banja, SERBIA and MONTENEGRO

    22 - 29 September 2004

    26 July – 4 August, 2005
    Helmholz International Summer School “Nuclear Theory and Astrophysical Applications”, Dubna, Russia

    September 19 - 26, 2005
    XVI International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Nuclear Energy, Varna, Bulgaria

    September 26 - 30, 2005
    Third SANDANSKI Coordination Meeting on Nuclear Science, Albena, Bulgaria

    November 2007
    Nuclear Many-body Approaches for the 21st Century (07-3), Seatlle, WA, USA


  • H. Ganev and A. I. Georgieva, Description of the Ground and Octupole Bands in sp(12,R) > sp(4,R)×o(3) Reduction Chain in the Interacting Vector Boson Model, Proceedings of the Fifth General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia and Montenegro, August 25-29, 2003, SP01-010, pp 101-104.
  • H. Ganev, V. P. Garistov, and A. Georgieva, Description of the Ground and Octupole Bands as Yrast Bands in the Symplectic Extension of the Interacting Vector Boson Model, Proceedings of the XXII International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (16-22 June , 2003, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria), ed. V. Nikolaev, (Heron Press, Sofia, Bulgaria 2003), pp 246-255.
  • H. G. Ganev, V. P. Garistov, A. I. Georgieva and J. P. Draayer, Symplectic Classification of Collective States with Fixed Angular Momentum in the Interacting Vector Boson Model, Proceedings of the XXIII International Workshop on Nuclear Theory, 14-19 June , 2004, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, ed. S. Dimitrova, (Heron Press, Sofia, Bulgaria 2004), pp 216-227.
  • H. Ganev and A. I. Georgieva, 6-dimentional Davidson Potential within the Framework of the Interacting Vector Boson Model, Proceedings of the 4th International Balkan School on Nuclear Physics, Bodrum, Turkey, September 22-29 , 2004, pp 235-238.
  • H. Ganev, V. P. Garistov, J. P. Draayer, and A. I. Georgieva, Distribution of Collective States in the Framework of Symplectic Symmetries, KEY TOPICS IN NUCLEAR STRUCTURE - Proceedings of the 8th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Paestum, Italy 23 - 27 May 2004, ed. Aldo Covello World Scientific, (2005), pp 379-388.
  • H. G. Ganev, A. I. Georgieva, and V. P. Garistov, Electromagnetic Transitions in the Symplectic Extension of the Rotational Limit of the Interacting Vector Boson Model, Nuclear Theory`24, Proceedings of the XXIV International Workshop on Nuclear Theory, (Rila 2005), ed. S. Dimitrova, (Heron Press, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005), pp 272-279.
  • H. G. Ganev, A. I. Georgieva, and J. P. Draayer, Transitional Nuclear Spectra within the Framework of Interacting Vector Boson Model with 6-dimensional Davidson Potential, Nuclear Theory`24, Proceedings of the XXIV International Workshop on Nuclear Theory, (Rila 2005), ed. S. Dimitrova, (Heron Press, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005), pp 259-271.
  • A. I. Georgieva, H. G. Ganev, J. P. Draayer, and V. P. Garistov, New dynamical symmetries in the with the symplectic extension of the Interacting vector boson model, BgNS TRANSACTIONS, Vol. 10, No 2, 201 (2005).
  • H. Ganev and A. I. Georgieva, Spectra of Odd Mass Nuclei within the Supersymmetric Extension of the Interacting Vector Boson Model, Proceedings of the XXV International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (26-31 June , 2006, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria), ed. S. Dimitrova (Press, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2006), pp 245-254.
  • A. I. Georgieva, S. R. Mishev, H. G. Ganev, V. P. Garistov, and J. P. Draayer, Systematics of the Behavior of the Ground and Octupole Bands of the Deformed Even-Even Lanthanides, Nuclear Theory`27, Proceedings of the XXVII International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (June 23-28, 2008, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria), ed. S. Dimitrova, Printed by BM Trade Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria (2008), pp. 143-153.
  • H. G. Ganev and A. I. Georgieva, Boson and Fermion Degrees of Dreedom in Orthosymplectic Extension of the IVBM -Odd-odd Nuclear Spectra, Proceedings of the XXVII International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (June 23-28, 2008, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria), ed. S. Dimitrova, Printed by BM Trade Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria (2008), pp. 155-167.
  • A. I. Georgieva, H. G. Ganev, J. P. Draayer and V. P. Garistov, Unified dynamical symmetries in the symplectic extension of the interacting vector boson model, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 128, 012032 (2008).

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