Last updated on: 12.01.2001
Name: | Mitko Konstantinov Gaidarov | |
Photo: | ![]() | |
Occupation: | Associate Professor, Dr. | |
Office Address: | Laboratory of Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 72 Tzarigradsko Shaussee, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria | |
Office Phone: | (+359) 2 71-44 ext. 315 | |
Office Fax: | (+359) 2 975-36-19 | |
E-mail: | | |
Home Address: | Studentski grad bl.58 vh.V ap.308, Sofia 1100, Bulgaria | |
Home Phone: | (+359) 2 68-35-06/308 | |
Birth Date: | February, 13 1964 | |
Birth Place: | Pleven, Bulgaria | |
Citizenship: | Bulgarian |
December 1997
PhD in Nuclear and Atomic Physics, Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
PhD student, Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
February 1990
Diploma Work and Master Degree in Nuclear Physics, Sanct-Petersburg State Technical University, Sanct-Petersburg, Russia
Study at the Sanct-Petersburg State Technical University, Sanct-Petersburg, Russia
May 2000-present
Assistant Professor 1st degree, Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
July 1998-May 2000
Assistant Professor 2nd degree, Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
September 1995-July 1998
Research Scientist, Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Bulgarian, English, Russian
Union of Scientists in Bulgaria
Union of Physicists in Bulgaria
Theoretical Physics, Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Relativistic Physics, Self-Consistent Approaches, Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Reactions
Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna, Rusia
University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
M.K. Gaidarov, A.N. Antonov, G.S. Anagnostatos, S.E. Massen, M.V. Stoitsov, P.E. Hodgson, "Proton Momentum Distribution in Nuclei Beyond Helium-4", Phys. Rev. C52, pp.3026-3031 (1995) A.N. Antonov, M.V. Stoitsov, S.S. Dimitrova, M.K. Gaidarov, P.E. Hodgson, "The Hole Spectral Function and the Relationship Between Overlap Functions, Natural Orbitals and the One-Body Density Matrix in Nuclei", J. Phys. G21, pp.1333-1339 (1995) M.K. Gaidarov, A.N. Antonov, S.S. Dimitrova, M.V. Stoitsov, "Y-scaling Quantities and Nucleon Correlation Effects in Nuclei", Intern. Journ. of Modern Phys. E, v.4, No.4, pp.801-814 (1995) A.N. Antonov, S.S. Dimitrova, M.K. Gaidarov, M.V. Stoitsov, M.E. Grypeos, S.E. Massen, K.N. Ypsilantis, "Consistent Construction of Realistic One-Body Density Matrix in Nuclei", Nucl. Phys. A597, pp.163-176 (1996) M.K. Gaidarov, A.N. Antonov, S.E. Massen, G.S. Anagnostatos, "Accounting of Nucleon Correlations for Study of Momentum Distributions in Nuclei", JINR Rapid Communications, No.6[80]-96, 23-30 (1996) S.S. Dimitrova, M.K. Gaidarov, A.N. Antonov, M.V. Stoitsov, P.E. Hodgson, V.K. Lukyanov, E.V. Zemlyanaya, G.Z. Krumova, "One-Nucleon Removal Reactions as a Test of Overlap Functions from the One-Body Density Matrix Calculations", J. Phys. G23, pp.1685-1695 (1997) G.S. Anagnostatos, A.N. Antonov, J. Yapitzakis, P. Ginis, M.K. Gaidarov, A. Vassiliou, "Nucleon Momentum and Density Distributions in 4He Considering Internal Rotation", Phys. Rev. C58, pp.2115-2119 (1998) G.S. Anagnostatos, A.N. Antonov, P. Ginis, J. Yapitzakis, M.K. Gaidarov, "On the Central Depression in Density of 4He", J. Phys. G25, pp.69-74 (1999) M.K. Gaidarov, K.A. Pavlova, S.S. Dimitrova, M.V. Stoitsov, A.N. Antonov, D. Van Neck, H. Muether, "Correlation Effects in Single-Particle Overlap Functions and One-Nucleon Removal Reactions", Phys. Rev. C60, 024312 (1999) M.K. Gaidarov, K.A. Pavlova, A.N. Antonov, M.V. Stoitsov, S.S. Dimitrova, M.V. Ivanov, C. Giusti, "Overlap Functions in Correlation Methods and Quasifree Nucleon Knockout From 16O", Phys. Rev. C61, 014306 (2000) M.V. Ivanov, A.N. Antonov, M.K. Gaidarov, "Generator Coordinate Method Calculations for Ground and First Excited Collective States in 4He, 16O and 40Ca", Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, v.9, No.4, pp.339-358 (2000)
May 1994
International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Spectroscopy, Sanct-Petersburg, Russia
September 1994
12th International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems, Dubna, Russia
May 1995
Perspectives in Nuclear Physics at Intermediate Energies, Trieste, Italy
October 1993,1995,1999
IX,X,XI International Summer Schools on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Nuclear Energy, Varna, Bulgaria
July 1997
European Conference on Advances in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas, Thessaloniki, Greece
August 1998
14th International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems, Dubna, Russia
May 1999
Second International Conference on Perespectives in Hadronic Physics, Trieste, Italy
May-June 2000
Internaational Nuclear Physics Conference "Bologna 2000-Structure of the Nucleus at the Dawn of the Century", Bologna, Italy
June 1993-2000
Annual International Workshops on Nuclear Theory Rila Mountains, Bulgaria (Scientific Secretary)
A.N. Antonov, M.V. Stoitsov, S.S. Dimitrova, D.N. Kadrev, M.K. Gaidarov, P.E. Hodgson, "Natural Orbitals and Short- Range Correlations in Nuclei", in Proc. 7th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms (Varenna, Italy, June 6-11, 1994), Ed. by E. Gadioli, Milano, pp. 411-420 (1994) M.K. Gaidarov, A.N. Antonov, S.S. Dimitrova, M.V. Stoitsov, "Nucleon Correlation Effects on Y-scaling Quantities in Nuclei", in Proc. 12th International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (Dubna, Russia, September 12-17, 1994), Dubna, v.II, pp.276-287 (1994) A.N. Antonov, S.S. Dimitrova, M.K. Gaidarov, M.V. Stoitsov, M.E. Grypeos, S.E. Massen, K.N. Ypsilantis, "Realistic One-Body Density Matrix in Nuclei", in Proc. of the Conference on Perspectives in Nuclear Physics at Intermediate Energies (ICTP, Trieste, Italy, May 8-12, 1995), pp.382-393 M.K. Gaidarov, A.N. Antonov, G.S. Anagnostatos, S.E. Massen, M.V. Stoitsov, P.E. Hodgson, "Proton Momentum Distribution in Nuclei Beyond Helium-4", in Selected Topics of Nuclear Physics Dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of the Birthday of V.K. Lukyanov (Dubna, Russia, D2, 4-95-470, 1995), pp.15-27 (1995) S.S. Dimitrova, M.K. Gaidarov, A.N. Antonov, M.V. Stoitsov, P.E. Hodgson, V.K. Lukyanov, E.V. Zemlyanaya, G.Z. Krumova, "Short-Range Correlations in Nuclei and Nucleon Removal Reactions", in Proc. 8th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms (Varenna, Italy, June 9-14, 1997), Ed. by E. Gadioli, Milano, pp. 561-570 (1997) S.S. Dimitrova, M.K. Gaidarov, A.N. Antonov, M.V. Stoitsov, P.E. Hodgson, V.K. Lukyanov, E.V. Zemlyanaya, G.Z. Krumova, "Direct Nucleon Removal Reactions and Overlap Functions in Nuclear Correlation Methods", in Papers, Physics and Chemistry, Anniversary Scientific Conference "25 years of Shoumen University "Bishop Konstantin Preslavsky", (Shoumen, Bulgaria, October 30-November 1, 1996), pp.21-24 (1999) S.S. Dimitrova, M.K. Gaidarov, A.N. Antonov, M.V. Stoitsov, P.E. Hodgson, V.K. Lukyanov, E.V. Zemlyanaya, G.Z. Krumova, "Nucleon Correlation Effects on Characteristics of Nuclear Structure and Reactions", in Proc. of the European Conference on Advances in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (Thessaloniki, Greece, July 8-12, 1997), Ed. by D.M. Brink, M.E. Grypeos and S.E. Massen, Thessaloniki, pp.253-264 (1999) M.K. Gaidarov, K.A. Pavlova, A.N. Antonov, S.S. Dimitrova, M.V. Stoitsov, C. Giusti, D. Van Neck, H. Muether, "Single-Particle Overlap Functions and One-Nucleon Removal Reactions", in Proc. of the Second Intern. Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physics (Trieste, Italy, Maay 10-14, 1999) pp.31-41 (1999) G.S. Anagnostatos, A.N. Antonov, J. Giapitzakis, P. Ginis, S.E. Massen, M.K. Gaidarov, "An Analytical Formula for Proton Momentum Distribution in Nuclei with A>4", in Proc. of the 10th Hellenic Symposium on Nuclear Physics (Athens, Greece, 27 and 28 May 1999), Ed. by P. Demetriou and N. Vodinas, pp.248-255 (2000)