Last updated on: 17.09.2014
Name: | Anton Nikolaev Antonov | |
Photo: | ![]() | |
Occupation: | Professor, Ph.D., D.Sc. | |
Office Address: | Laboratory of Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 72 Tzarigradsko Shaussee, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria | |
Office Phone: | (+359) 2 979-5553 | |
Office Fax: | (+359) 2 975-36-19 | |
E-mail: | | |
Home Address: | Krum Stoyanov street bl.366 vh.D ap.120 Sofia-1309, Bulgaria | |
Home Phone: | (+359) 2 9299- 506 | |
Birth Date: | 19.09.1943 | |
Birth Place: | Shumen, Bulgaria | |
Citizenship: | Bulgarian | |
Marital Status: | married, two children |
D.Sc. in Nuclear Physics Institute of Nuclear Research and
Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Ph.D., Kharkov State University, Faculty of Physics and
Technology, Kharkov, Ukraina, Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Master of Science
Kharkov State University, Faculty of Physics and Technology,
Ukraina Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Master of Science
Professor, Laboratory of Theoretical Nuclear Physics Institute
of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia,
Bulgaria, Professor of the University of Shumen "Bishop Konstantin Preslavski"
Associated Professor, Laboratory of Theoretical Nuclear
Physics Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of
Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Assistant Professor (1-st degree), Institute of Nuclear
Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Assistant Professor (2-nd degree), Institute of Nuclear
Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Senior Assistant, Higher Pedagogical Institute of Shumen,
Research Scientist, Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear
Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Bulgarian, English, Russian
The New York Academy of Sciences
Bulgarian Physical Society
Union of Scientists in Bulgaria
Theoretical Physics, Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Relativistic Physics, Self-Consistent Approaches, Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Reactions
A.N.Antonov, P.E.Hodgson, I.Zh.Petkov, Nucleon Momentum and Density Distributions in Nuclei, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1988, 165 pp. A.N.Antonov, P.E.Hodgson, I.Zh.Petkov, Nucleon Correlations in Nuclei, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1993, 293 pp.
A.N.Antonov, High-Energy Electron and Proton Scattering by Nuclei in the Alpha-Particle Model, Ph.D. Thesis, Kharkov State University, Kharkov, Ukraine, 1972, 121 pp. A.N.Antonov, Nucleon-Nucleon Correlations and Characteristics of Nuclear States and Nuclear Reactions, D.Sc.Thesis, INRNE, Sofia, Bulgaria , 1989, 440 pp.
A.N.Antonov, E.V.Inopin, Elastic and inelastic Glauber proton scattering on C-12 in the alpha-particle model, Yadernaya Fizika (Russ.),16,74 (1972). A.N.Antonov, E.V.Inopin, Excitation of vibrational nuclear levels by electrons in the alpha-particle model, Yadernaya Fizika (Russ.),16,326 (1972). E.V.Inopin, A.N.Antonov, Influence of the non-sphericity on the diffuseness parameter of the density in the experiments on the electron-nuclei scattering, Ukr.J.Phys.,17,1910 (1972). A.N.Antonov,E.V.Inopin, Electron scattering on 2s-1d shell nuclei in the alpha-particle model, Ukr.J.Phys.,18,1585 (1973). A.N.Antonov, Electron scattering on C-12 with a knockout of alpha-particle and alpha-cluster structure of nuclei, Bulg.J.Phys.,2,110 (1975). A.N.Antonov, Alpha-particle model for the Glauber scattering of protons by Oxygen-16, Bulg.J.Phys.,2,287-292 (1975). 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A.N.Antonov,V.A.Nikolaev,I.J.Petkov, New diffractional approach to proton-nucleus scattering, Comm.JINR,Dubna,E2-11283 (1978). A.N.Antonov,V.A.Nikolaev,I.J.Petkov, Fluctuations of nuclear density distribution and particle scattering on atomic nuclei, Compt.rend. Acad.bulg.Sci.,31,409-412 (1978). A.N.Antonov,V.A.Nikolaev,I.Zh.Petkov, A model of coherent fluctuations of nuclear density, Bulg.J.Phys.,6,151-158 (1979). A.N.Antonov,V.A.Nikolaev,I.Zh.Petkov, Inclusive differential cross- sections of proton production in proton-nuclei scattering according to the coherent density fluctuation model, Comm.JINR,Dubna,R4-12207 (1979). A.N.Antonov,I.S.Bonev,V.A.Nikolaev,I.Zh.Petkov, Elastic scattering of heavy ions and coherent fluctuations of the nuclear density, Comm.JINR,Dubna,R4-12633 (1979). A.N.Antonov,I.S.Bonev,V.A.Nikolaev,I.Zh.Petkov, Elastic Glauber scattering of protons by nuclei in the coherent density fluctuation model, Comm.JINR,Dubna,R4-12634 (1979). 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A.N.Antonov,V.A.Nikolaev,I.Zh.Petkov,P.E.Hodgson, The nucleon momentum distributions of K-39,Ca-40 and Ca-48, Bulg.J.Phys.,10,590-600 (1983). A.N.Antonov, I.Zh.Petkov, On the quasielastic electron scattering from nuclei, Comm.JINR,Dubna, E4-83-663, 1983. A.N.Antonov,I.Zh.Petkov,M.V.Stoitsov, Generator coordinate and local-scale transformation methods as a basis of the coherent density fluctuation model, Compt.rend.Acad.bulg.Sci.,36, 1159-1162 (1983). A.N.Antonov, I.Zh.Petkov, On the quasielastic electron scattering from nuclei, Bulg.J.Phys. 11, 163 (1984). A.N.Antonov, Chr.V.Christov, I.Zh.Petkov, Zero-motion flucton correlations in high-energy proton elastic scattering on Ca-40, Z.Phys. A320, 683-687 (1985). A.N.Antonov, V.A.Nikolaev, I.Zh.Petkov, Extreme breathing excitations of atomic nuclei, Nuovo Cim. A86, 23-31 (1985). A.N.Antonov,I.S.Bonev,D.N.Mitev,I.Zh.Petkov, Single-nucleon absorption of negative pions by light nuclei and proton momentum distribution in nuclei, Bulg.J.Phys. 12, 264-272 (1985). A.N.Antonov, V.A.Nikolaev, I.Zh.Petkov, An account of the nucleon's finite size in the coherent density fluctuation model, Comm.JINR,Dubna, R4-85-393 (1985). A.N.Antonov, I.Zh.Petkov, P.E.Hodgson, Nucleon momentum distributions in the coherent fluctuation model, Bulg.J.Phys. 13, 110-119 (1986). A.N.Antonov, Chr.V.Christov, I.Zh.Petkov, An approach to nucleon momentum and density distributions in the generator coordinate method, Nuovo Cim. A91, 119-126 (1986). A.N.Antonov, I.Zh.Petkov, General functional relation between nucleon momentum and density distributions in nuclei, Nuovo Cim. A94 ,68-77 (1986). A.N.Antonov,I.Zh.Petkov, Momentum distribution of protons in Pb-208, Bulg.J.Phys. 14, 137-145 (1987). A.Malecki, A.N.Antonov, I.Zh.Petkov, P.E.Hodgson, A study of short-range correlation effects on nuclear spatial and momentum distributions, Z.Phys. A328, 393-397 (1987). A.N.Antonov,I.Zh.Petkov, High-energy particle scattering and the coherent density fluctuation model, in "Diffractional hadron-nuclei interactions", Kiev, Naukova Dumka, pp.36-45 (1987). A.N.Antonov, P.E.Hodgson, I.Zh.Petkov, Natural orbital calculations of nucleon momentum distributions, Nuovo Cim. A97, 117-123 (1987). A.N.Antonov, V.A.Nikolaev,I.Zh.Petkov, Extreme breathing states in atomic nuclei in the coherent density fluctuation model, in "Theoretical Physics and High-energy Physics" (70-years anniversary of Acad.Chr.Ya.Christov), Bulg.Acad.Sc.Edit.House, Sofia 1988, pp.47-54. A.N.Antonov, I.S.Bonev, Chr.V.Christov, I.Zh.Petkov, Generator coordinate calculations of nucleon momentum and density distributions in He-4, O-16 and Ca-40, Nuovo Cim. A100, 779-788 (1988). A.N.Antonov, J.Kanev, M.V.Stoitsov, I.Zh.Petkov, Properties of nucleon momentum distributions in nuclei at finite temperatures, Nuovo Cim. A101, 525-542 (1989). A.N.Antonov,I.S.Bonev, Chr.V.Christov, I.Zh.Petkov, One- and two- nucleon momentum distributions in nuclei in the coherent density fluctuation model, Nuovo Cim. A101, 639-649 (1989). A.N.Antonov, Chr.V.Christov, E.N.Nikolov, I.Zh.Petkov, P.E.Hodgson, Natural orbitals and occupation numbers in the coherent density fluctuation model, Nuovo Cim. A102, 1701-1715 (1989). A.N.Antonov, I.S.Bonev, Chr.V.Christov, E.N.Nikolov, I.Zh.Petkov, Generator coordinate method calculations of natural orbitals and occupation numbers, Nuovo Cim. A103, 1287-1300 (1990). A.N.Antonov, I.S.Bonev, I.Zh.Petkov, Generator coordinate calculations of two-nucleon momentum distributions in He-4, O-16 and Ca-40 nuclei, Rapid Comm., JINR, Dubna, No1{40}-90, pp.35-44 (1990). A.N.Antonov,L.P.Kaptari,V.A.Nikolaev,A.Yu.Umnikov, Coherent density fluctuations and the EMC-effect, Rapid Comm., JINR, Dubna, No.2{41}- 90, pp.14-21 (1990). A.N.Antonov, Chr.V.Christov, E.N.Nikolov, I.Zh.Petkov, A.D.Polozov, A.M.Pushkash, Zero-motion correlations in high-energy proton elastic scattering on Ca-40 with non-eikonal nucleon-nucleon amplitude, Z.Phys. A336, 333-337 (1990). A.N.Antonov, L.P.Kaptari, V.A.Nikolaev, A.Yu.Umnikov, Deep-inelastic lepton-nucleus scattering and nucleon binding and correlations in nuclei, Nuovo Cim.A104, 487-492 (1991). A.N.Antonov, I.Zh.Petkov, Study of nucleon-nucleon correlation effects on basic nuclear characteristics and processes of interactions of particles and nuclei with nuclei, Phys. Part. and Nuclei, v.22 ,801-838 (1991). A.N.Antonov, V.A.Nikolaev, I.Zh.Petkov, Breathing monopole nuclear vibrations within the coherent density fluctuation model, Bulg.J.Phys. 18, 107-112 (1991). A.N.Antonov, I.S.Bonev, I.Zh.Petkov, Two-nucleon momentum distributions within the generator coordinate method, Bulg.J.Phys. 18, 169-176 (1991). A.N.Antonov, E.N.Nikolov, I.Zh.Petkov, P.E.Hodgson, G.A.Lalazissis, Alpha-particle momentum distributions in nuclei within the coherent density fluctuation model, Bulg.J.Phys. 19, 11-21 (1992). E.N.Nikolov, M.Bergmann, Chr.V.Christov, K.Goeke, A.N.Antonov, S.Krewald, Nucleon properties in a medium and quasielastic electron scattering, Phys.Lett. B281, 208-213 (1992). A.N.Antonov,L.I.Galanina,N.S.Zelenskaya, Influence of N-N correlations on the cross-sections of proton interactions with nuclei, Yadernaya fizika (Russ.) 55, 1868-1875 (1992). M.V.Stoitsov, A.N.Antonov, S.S.Dimitrova, Natural orbital representation in nuclei, Phys.Rev. C47, R455-R458 (1993). M.V.Stoitsov, A.N.Antonov, Occupation probabilities and momentum distributions in closed s-d shell nuclei, Z.Phys. A345, 259-263 (1993). M.V.Stoitsov, A.N.Antonov, S.S.Dimitrova, Short-range correlations and one-body properties of nuclei, Z.Phys. A345, 359-372 (1993). M.V.Stoitsov, A.N.Antonov, S.S.Dimitrova, Natural orbital representation and short-range correlations in nuclei, Phys.Rev. C48, 74-86 (1993). M.V.Stoitsov, A.N.Antonov, S.S.Dimitrova, Short-Range Correlations and the A-Representability Problem Within the Low-Order Approximation to the Jastrow Method, Bulg.J.Phys. 20, No.3-4, 18-24 (1993). A.N.Antonov, D.N.Kadrev, P.E.Hodgson, The Effect of Nucleon Correlations on Natural Orbitals, Phys.Rev. C50, 164-167 (1994). A.N.Antonov, M.V.Stoitsov, L.P.Marinova, M.E.Grypeos, G.A.Lalazissis, K.N.Ypsilantis, Generator Coordinate Method Calculations for He-4 and O-16 Nuclei, Phys.Rev. C50, 1936-1942 (1994). M.K.Gaidarov, A.N.Antonov, S.S.Dimitrova, M.V.Stoitsov, Nucleon Correlation Effects on Y-scaling Quantities in Nuclei, JINR Rapid Communications, No.3{66}-94, p. 37-53, Dubna, 1994. M.K.Gaidarov, A.N.Antonov, S.S.Dimitrova, M.V.Stoitsov, Y-scaling Analysis and Nucleon Correlations in Nuclei, Izv.Russian Academy of Sciences, ser.phys. 59, No.5, pp. 68-77 (1995). M.Avrigeanu, V.Avrigeanu, A.N.Antonov, M.B.Chadwick, P.E.Hodgson, M.V.Stoitsov, Pauli-Blocking Effects in Neutron-Alpha Reactions, J. Phys. G21, pp. 837-846 (1995). M.K.Gaidarov, A.N.Antonov, S.S.Dimitrova, M.V.Stoitsov, Y-scaling Quantities and Nucleon Correlation Effects in Nuclei, Int.Journal of Modern Physics E, v.4, No.4, pp.801-814 (1995). A.N.Antonov, M.V.Stoitsov, M.K.Gaidarov, S.S.Dimitrova, P.E.Hodgson, The Hole Spectral Function and the Relationship Between Overlap Functions, Natural Orbitals and the One-body Density Matrix in Nuclei, JINR Rapid Communications, No.2{70}-95, pp. 11-18, Dubna, 1995; J. Phys. G21, pp. 1333-1339 (1995). M.K.Gaidarov, A.N.Antonov, G.S.Anagnostatos, S.E.Massen, M.V.Stoitsov, P.E.Hodgson, The Proton Momentum Distribution in Nuclei Beyond Helium-4, Phys.Rev. 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S.S.Dimitrova, M.K.Gaidarov, A.N.Antonov, M.V.Stoitsov, P.E.Hodgson, V.K.Lukyanov, E.V.Zemlyanaya, G.Z.Krumova, Overlap Functions in Nuclear Correlation Methods and Direct Nucleon Removal Processes, JINR Rapid Communications 6[80]-96, Dubna, 1996. K.Spasova, A.N.Antonov, P.E.Hodgson, Cluster Knockout Nuclear Reactions and Momentum Distributions of Clusters in Atomic Nuclei, Bulg.J.Phys. v.23, No.3-4, pp.104-115 (1996). A.N.Antonov, M.K.Gaidarov, S.S.Dimitrova, M.V.Stoitsov, One-body Density Matrix and Related Nuclear Characteristics, Journal of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, year CIX, No.6, pp. 45-48 (1996). K.A.Pavlova, M.Avrigeanu, A.N.Antonov, Short-range Correlations in the Semiclassical Nuclear Models, J. Phys. G23, p.79-89 (1997). S.S.Dimitrova, G.Z.Krumova, P.E.Hodgson, V.Avrigeanu, A.N.Antonov, (n,d) - reactions in Medium Mass Nuclei, Preprint OUNP-97-03, University of Oxford, Oxford, 1997, 10 pp.; J.Phys.G23, p.961-969 (1997). S.Dimitrova, M.K.Gaidarov, A.N.Antonov, M.V.Stoitsov, P.E.Hodgson, V.K.Lukyanov, E.V.Zemlyanaya, G.Z.Krumova, One-nucleon Removal Reactions as a Test of Overlap Functions from the One-body Density Matrix Calculations, J. Phys. G23, 1685-1695 (1997). M.Avrigeanu, A.Harangozo, V.Avrigeanu and A.N.Antonov, Average Strength of the Effective Interaction in Multistep Direct Reactions, Phys. Rev. C56, 1633-1636 (1997). K.Ypsilantis, S.Dimitrova, C.Koutroulos, M.Grypeos and A.N.Antonov, The Nucleon Momentum and Density Distribution of the He-4 Nucleus Using the Morse Potential, J.Phys. G23,1609-1617 (1997). J.Giapitzakis, P.Ginis, A.N.Antonov, S.E.Massen, G.S.Anagnostatos, Multiharmonic Nuclear Hamiltonian in the Region 120 < A <140, Intern.Journal of Mod.Physics E7 (1998), 585-591. G.S.Anagnostatos, A.N.Antonov, P.Ginis, J.Giapitzakis, M.Gaidarov, A.Vassiliou, Nucleon Momentum and Density Distributions in He-4 Considering Internal Rotation, Phys.Rev. C58, 2115-2119 (1998). A.N.Antonov, S.S.Dimitrova, M.V.Stoitsov, D.Van Neck and P.Jeleva, Relationships Between Two-Particle Overlap Functions and the Two-Body Density Matrix for Many-Fermion Systems, Phys.Rev.C59 (1999), 722-725. G.S.Anagnostatos, A.N.Antonov, P.Ginis, J.Giapitzakis, M.K.Gaidarov, On the Cental Depression in Density of He-4, J.Phys. G25 (1999), 69-74. V.K.Lukyanov, E.V.Zemlyanaya, D.N.Kadrev, A.N.Antonov, K.Spasova, G.S.Anagnostatos, P.Ginis, J.Giapitzakis, Charge Form Factors and Alpha Cluster Internal Structure of C-12, JINR Rapid Communications, No.1[93]-99, pp.38-47, Dubna, 1999. V.K.Lukyanov, E.V.Zemlyanaya, D.N.Kadrev, A.N.Antonov, K.Spasova, G.S.Anagnostatos, P.Ginis, J.Giapitzakis, Structure of Alpha Clusters and Charge Form Factors of C-12, Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Physics, v.64 (2000), 851-861. M.K.Gaidarov, K.A.Pavlova, S.S.Dimitrova, M. V.Stoitsov, A.N.Antonov, D.Van Neck and H. Muether, Correlation Effects in Single-particle Overlap Functions and One-nucleon Removal Reactions, Phys.Rev. C60, No.2 (1999), #024312. S.S.Dimitrova, D.N.Kadrev, A.N.Antonov, M.V.Stoitsov, The Two-Body Density Matrix Within the Low-Order Approximation of the Jastrow Correlation Method, European Phys. J. A7, 335-345 (2000). M.K.Gaidarov, K.A.Pavlova, A.N.Antonov, M.V.Stoitsov,S.S.Dimitrova, M.V.Ivanov and C.Giusti, Overlap Functions in Correlation Methods and Quasifree Nucleon Knockout from O-16, Phys.Rev. C 61 (2000), 014306. K.P.Drumev, K.Spasova, A.N.Antonov, Alpha-particle Momentum Distributions in Nuclei and (alpha, 2 alpha) Reactions on C-12 and O-16, Bulg.J.Phys. 26 (1999), 23-28. M. Avrigeanu, G.S. Anagnostatos, A.N. Antonov, and J. Giapitzakis, Dynamics of Two-neutron Transfer Reactions on the Borromean Nucleus He-6 Re-examined, Phys. Rev. C62, 017001 (2000). M.V. 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D.N.Kadrev,M.V.Ivanov, A.N.Antonov, C.Giusti, F.D.Pacati, "Two-nucleon Overlap Functions in the Jastrow Correlation Method and Cross Sections of the O-16(e,e´pp) Reactions, nucl-th/ 0209034 ; Phys.Rev. C68, 014617 (2003). V.K. Lukyanov, E.V. Zemlyanaya, S.E. Massen, Ch.C. Moustakidis, A.N. Antonov, G.Z. Krumova, "Testing He-6,8 Density Distributions by Calculations of Total Reaction Cross- Sections of He-6,8+ Si-28", nucl-th/0311040 (2003); Int.J.Mod.Phys. E 13, pp.573-584 (2004). A.N.Antonov, M.K.Gaidarov, D.N.Kadrev, P.E.Hodgson, E.Moya de Guerra, "Charge Density Distributions and Related Form Factors in Neutron- Rich Light Exotic Nuclei", nucl-th/ 0310063 (2003); Int.J. Mod.Phys.E v.13, No.4, pp. 759-772 (2004). A.N. Antonov, M.K. Gaidarov, D.N. Kadrev, M.V. Ivanov, E. Moya de Guerra, and J.M. Udias, " Superscaling in Nuclei: A Search for Scaling Function Beyond the Relativistic Fermi Gas Model", nucl-th/ 0402085; Phys. Rev. C 69, 044321 (2004). A.N. Antonov, M.K. 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M.Avrigeanu, A.Harangozo, V.Avrigeanu, A.Antonov, Average Effective- Interaction Strength of First Nucleon-Nucleon Collision in Multistep Reactions, in: Papers, Physics and Chemistry, Anniversary Scientific Conference "25 years of Shoumen University "Bishop Konstantin Preslavsky"", Shoumen, Bulgaria, October 30- November 1, 1996, Shoumen , 1999, pp.14-20. S.Dimitrova, M.Gaidarov, A.Antonov, M.Stoitsov, P.Hodgson, V.Lukyanov, E.Zemlyanaya, G.Krumova, Direct Nucleon Removal Reactions and Overlap Functions in Nuclear Correlation Methods, in: Papers, Physics and Chemistry, Anniversary Scientific Conference "25 years of Shoumen University "Bishop Konstantin Preslavsky"", Shoumen, October 30- November 1, 1996, Shoumen, Bulgaria, 1999, pp. 21-24. K.Spasova, A.Antonov, P.Hodgson, (e,e'aplha) and (e,e'd) Knockout Nuclear Reactions and Momentum Distributions of Clusters in Nuclei, in: Papers, Physics and Chemistry, Anniversary Scientific Conference "25 years of Shoumen University "Bishop Konstantin Preslavsky"", Shoumen, Bulgaria, October 30- November 1, 1996, Shoumen, 1999, pp.49-53. M.V.Stoitsov, S.S.Dimitrova, D.Kadrev and A.N.Antonov, One- and Two- Particlem Emission and Short-Range Nucleon Correlations, in: Proc.of the European Conf. on "Advances in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas", 8-12 July 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece; D.M.Brink, M.E.Grypeos and S.E.Massen, Giahoudi-Giapouli Publishing, Thessaloniki,1999, p.344. M.K.Gaidarov, K.A.Pavlova, A.N.Antonov, S.S.Dimitrova, M.V.Stoitsov, C.Giusti, D.Van Neck, H.Muther, Single-Particle Overlap Functions and One- Nucleon Removal Reactions, in:Proc.of the Second Int.Conf. on Perspectives in Hadron Physics, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 10-14 May 1999, S.Boffi et al., World Scientific, Singapore, 2000, pp.31-41. V.K.Lukyanov, E.V.Zemlyanaya, D.N.Kadrev, A.N.Antonov,K.Spasova, G.S.Anagnostatos, P.Ginis, J.Giapitzakis, Charge Form Factors and Alpha-Cluster Internal Structure of C-12, in Collected Papers: "Contemorary problems of Nucear", ed.V.A. Matveev, IJI RAN, Moscow, Russia, ISBN 5-201- 09523-2, 1999, pp.137-145. G.S.Anagnostatos,A.N.Antonov, J.Giapitzakis, P.Ginis, S.E.Massen and M.K.Gaidarov, An analytical formula for proton momentum distribution in nuclei with A>4, in H.N.P.S.: Advances in Nuclear Physics,Proc.10th Hellenic Symposium on Nuclear Physics, 27-28 May 1999, Athens, Greece, Giahoudi-Giapouli Publications, 2000, pp.248-255. M.K. Gaidarov, M.V. 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M.V.Ivanov, M.K.Gaidarov, K.A.Pavlova,A.N.Antonov, S.S.Dimitrova, M.V.Stoitsov,C.Giusti, D.Van Neck, H.Muether, Overlap Functions in Correlation Methods and Nucleon Removal Reactions from O-16 and Ca-40, in:Proc.9th Int.Conf. on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varenna, Italy, 5-9 June 2000, E.Gadioli, Ricerca Scientifica ed Educazione Permanente, Supplemento No.115, Milano, 2000, pp.81-91. M.V.Ivanov, A.N.Antonov, M.K.Gaidarov, "Nuclear Structure Investigations Within the Generator Coordinate Method", in:Proc. XV Int.Seminar on High Energy Phyics Problems, Dubna, Sept.25-29, 2000, A.M.Baldin et al, v.2, Dubna , 2001, pp.226-233. M.Avrigeanu, A.N.Antonov,H.Lenske I.Stetcu, and V.Avrigeanu, Analysis of Multistep Direct Reactions to the Continuum with Realistic Effective NN Interactions, in: Proc. 9th Int.Conf. on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varenna, Italy, 5-9 June 2000, E.Gadioli, Ricerca Scientifica ed Educazione Permanente, Supplemento No.115, Milano, 2000, pp.171-180. A.N.Antonov, M.K.Gaidarov, M.V.Ivanov, D.N.Kadrev, P.E.Hodgson, "Nucleon Momentum Distribution in Deuteron and Other Nuclei Within the Light-Front Dynamics Method", in: Proc.20th Int.Workshop on Nuclear Theory, 11-16 June 2001, Rila , Bulgaria; Notre Dame, Indiana, U.S.A., 2001, pp.33-38. M.K.Gaidarov, K.A.Pavlova, A.N. Antonov, C.Giusti, S.E.Massen, Ch.C.Moustakidis, K.Spasova, "One-nucleon Pickup and Knockout from Open s-d Shell Nuclei", in: Proceedings of 20th Int.Workshop on Nuclear Theory, 11-16 June 2001, Rila, Bulgaria; Notre Dame, Indiana, U.S.A., 2001, pp.95-102. A.N.Antonov, M.K.Gaidarov, M.V.Ivanov, D.N.Kadrev, G.Z.Krumova, P.E.Hodgson, H.V.von Geramb, "Nucleon Momentum Distribution in Deuteron and Other Nuclei Within the Light-Front Dynamics Method", in: Proc.Int.Workshop on "Relativistic Nuclear Physics", 10-15 September 2001, Varna, Bulgaria;v.1, Dubna , pp.144-155, 2001. A.N. Antonov, M.K.Gaidarov, M.V. Ivanov, D.N.Kadrev, G.Z.Krumova, P.E.Hodgson, H.V.von Geramb, "Nucleon Momentum Distribution in Deuteron and Other Nuclei Within the Light-Front Dynamics Method", in: Proceedings of 14th International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Nuclear Energy, 25-30 September 2001, Varna, Bulgaria; BgNS Transactions, v.7, No.1,pp.118-124 (2002). M.K.Gaidarov, K.A.Pavlova, A.N.Antonov,M.V.Stoitsov,S.S.Dimitrova, M.V.Ivanov and C.Giusti, "Consistent Study of Electron- and Photon- Induced Nucleon Knockout From O-16", in "Nuclear Structure", Proc.of the Conference: Bologna 2000, "Structure of the Nucleus at the Dawn of the Century", 29 May-3 June 2000, Bologna, Italy, eds.G.C.Bonsignori et al., World Scientific, Singapore, 2001, pp.245-248. M.K. Gaidarov, K.A. Pavlova, A.N. Antonov, S.S. Dimitrova, M.V. Stoitsov, M.V. Ivanov, C. Giusti, D. Van Neck, H. Muther, S.E. Massen, Ch. C. Moustakidis, "Overlap Functions in Correlation Methods and One- Nucleon Removal Reactions" , Balkan Phys. Lett., Special Issue/2000, Proc. of 2nd Intern. Balkan School on Nuclear Physics (Bodrum, Turkey, Sept.12-19, 2000), ed. by S.Erturk, M.Bostan, B.Akkus, E.Rizaoglu, pp.224-228, 2000. M.Avrigeanu, G.S. Anagnostatos, A.N. Antonov and V. Avrigeanu, "Density Effects on the Elastic Scattering of 6He and 8He" Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, Supplement 2, p.595- 598 (August 2002); Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, October 7-12, 2001, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, Volume 1. M.K.Gaidarov, M.V. Ivanov and A.N. Antonov, "Y-scaling Analysis of the Deuteron Within the Light-front Dynamics Method", in:Proc. of 21st Int.Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila , Bulgaria, 10-15 June 2002, V.A.Nikolaev, Heron Press Science Series, Sofia, pp.193-203 (2002); nucl-th/ 0207081 (2002). M.K.Gaidarov, K.A.Pavlova, A.N.Antonov, M.V.Stoitsov, S.S.Dimitrova M.V.Ivanov, C.Giusti, S.E.Massen, Ch.C. Moustakidis,"Effects of Nucleon Correlations in (p,d), (e,e'p) and (gamma,p) Reactions", in: Proceedings of 14th International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Nuclear Energy, 25-30 September 2001, Varna, Bulgaria; BgNS Transactions v.7, No.1, pp. 199- 203 (2002). . M.K. Gaidarov, K.A. Pavlova, A.N. Antonov, S.E. Massen, Ch. C. Moustakidis, K. Spasova, “(p,d) Reactions on Open Shell Nuclei”, Selected papers on Physics, University of Shumen, Shumen, Bulgaria, 2003, pp.53-60. M.K.Gaidarov, M.V.Ivanov, A.N.Antonov, "Y-scaling Analysis of the Deuteron Within the Light-front Dynamics Method", in:Proc.of the Kyndai RCNP Int.Symposium "Nuclear Many-Body and Medium Effects in Nuclear Interactions and Reactions", 25-26 October 2002, Fukuoka, Japan, K.Hatanaka et al. World Sci. (2003), pp.71-77. M.K.Gaidarov, K.A.Pavlova, A.N.Antonov,M.V.Stoitsov, S.S.Dimitrova, M.V.Ivanov, C.Giusti, S.E.Massen, Ch.C.Moustakidis, "Effects of Nucleon Correlations in (p,d), (e,e´p) and (gamma,p) Reactions", in:Proc. of 2002 Symposium on Nuclear Data, November 21.22, 2002, JAERI, Tokai , Japan, T.Ohsawa and T. Fukahori, JAERI-Conf. 2003-006, (2003),pp.247-252. D.N.Kadrev, M.V.Ivanov, A.N.Antonov, C.Giusti, and F.D.Pacati, "Two-Nucleon Overlap Functions Calculated in the Jastrow Correlation Method and Cross Sections of the O-16(e,e´pp) Reactions", in: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, 9-13 June, 2003, Varenna, Italy, ed. by E.Gadioli, Ricerca Scientifica ed Educazione Permanente, Milano, pp.183-192 (2003). M.K. Gaidarov, Y.Watanabe, K.Ogata, M.Kohono, M.Kawai, and A.N.Antonov, “ Semiclassical Distorted Wave Model Analysis of Backward Proton Emission from (p,p’x) Reactions at Intermediate Energies”, in: Proc.22 Int.Workshop on Nuclear Theory, June 2003, the Rila Moutanis, Bulgaria, V. Nikolaev, pp. 75-91 (2003). M.K. Gaidarov, K.A. Pavlova, A.N. Antonov, M.V.Ivanov, C. Giusti,S.E.Massen, Ch.C.Moustakidis,K.Spasova,"Short-range Correlations and One-nucleon Removal Reactions in Open s-d Shell Nuclei",in: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, 9-13 June, 2003, Varenna, Italy, ed. by E. Gadioli, Ricerca Scientifica ed Educazione Permanente, Milano, pp.193-201 (2003). A.N. Antonov, M.K.Gaidarov, M.V.Ivanov, K.A.Pavlova, C.Giusti, "Structural Studies of Many-Body Systems and (e,e'p) Reaction Cross Sections", in:Proceedings of Intern.Workshop on Probing Nucleons and Nuclei via the (e,e'p) Reactions, Grenoble (France), October 14-17, 2003, eds. E. Voutier et al.,pp.167-177, (2004); nucl-th/0312067 (2003). M.K. Gaidarov, Y. Watanabe,K. Ogata, M. Kohno, M. Kawai, A.N. Antonov, "Backward Proton Production from (p,p'x) Reactions at Intermediate Energies", BgNS Transactions, v.9, pp. 185-191 (2004) (Proceedings of 15th Int.School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Nuclear Energy, Sept. 9-13, 2003, Varna, Bulgaria). D.N.Kadrev, M.V.Ivanov, A.N.Antonov, C.Giusti, and F.D.Pacati, "Jastrow Two-Nucleon Overlap Functions and Cross Sections of O-16(e,e´NN)C-14 Reactions", in : Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on "Electromagmetically Induced Two-Hadron Emission", 24-27 September 2003, Pavia, Italy, CDROM; nucl-th/0401032 (2004). A.N. Antonov, M.K. Gaidarov, D.N. Kadrev, M.V. Ivanov, E. Moya de Guerra, and J.M. Udias, "Superscaling in Nuclei: A Scaling Function Beyond the Relativistic Fermi Gas Model", in: Proceedings of 23rd International Workshop on Nuclear Theory, June 14-19 2004, Rila, Bulgaria,ed.S.S. Dimitrova, Heron Press, Sofia, 2005, pp. 54-67. A.N. Antonov, M.K. Gaidarov, D.N. Kadrev, P.E.Hodgson, and E. Moya de Guerra, "Studies of Charge Form Factors of Neutron-Rich Light Exotic Nuclei", in: Proceedings of 23rd International Workshop on Nuclear Theory, June 14-19 2004, Rila, Bulgaria, ed. S.S. Dimitrova, Heron Press, Sofia, 2005, pp. 167-179. A.N.Antonov, D.N. Kadrev, M.K. Gaidarov, E.Moya de Guerra, P.Sarriguren, J.M.Udias, V.K. Lukyanov, E.V. Zemlyanaya, G.Z. Krumova, "Charge and Matter Distributions and Form Factors of Light, Medium and Heavy Neutron-rich Nuclei", BgNS Transactions, Proceedings of XVI International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Nuclear Energy. Sept.19-Sept.26, 2005, Varna Bulgaria, v.10, No.2, 100-109 (2005). M.K.Gaidarov,Y.Watanabe, K.Ogata, M.Khono, M.Kawai, A.N.Antonov, "Analysis of backward proton emission from (p,p'x) reactions at intermediate energies", in: Proc. 11th Int.Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, E. Gadioli, Varenna, Italy, 12-16 June 2006, Ricerca Scientifica ed Educazione Permanente, Supplemento No.126, 183-192 (2006). A.N. Antonov, M.V. Ivanov, M.K.Gaidarov, E.Moya de Guerra, J.A. Caballero, M. B. Barbaro, J.M. Udias,and P.Sarriguren,"Superscaling analyses of inclusive electron scattering and their extension to charge- changing neutrino cross sections in nuclei,in:Proc. 11th Int.Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, E. Gadioli, Varenna, Italy, 12-16 June 2006, Ricerca Scientifica ed Educazione Permanente, Supplemento No.126, 305-314 (2006). A.N. Antonov, M.V. Ivanov, M.K.Gaidarov, E.Moya de Guerra, J.A. Caballero, M. B. Barbaro, J.M. Udias,and P.Sarriguren,"Superscaling analyses of inclusive electron scattering and their extension to charge- changing neutrino cross sections in nuclei,in: "Nuclear Theory", Proc.of 25th Int.Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, June 26- July 1, 2006, S.Dimitrova, DioMira, Sofia, pp.59-72 (2006). E.V. Zemlyanaya, K.V.Lukyanov, V.K. Lukyanov, I.N.Kuhtina,A.N. Antonov, K.M. Khanna, B. Slowinski, "Calculations of Nucleus- Nucleus Microscopical Optical Potential and the Respective Elastic Differential and Total Reaction Cross Sections", in:"Nuclear Theory", Proc.of 25th Int.Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, June 26- July 1, 2006, S.Dimitrova, DioMira, Sofia, pp.301-312(2006). A. N. Antonov, D. N. Kadrev, M. K. Gaidarov, E. Moya de Guerra, P. Sarriguren, J. M. Udias, V. K. Lukyanov, E. V. Zemlyanaya, and G. Z. Krumova, "Density distributions and form factors in neutron-rich nuclei", in: Proceedings of the 2005 Symposium on Nuclear Data, February 2-3, 2006, JAEA, Tokai, Japan, Eds. Y. Tahara and T. Fukahori, JAEA-Conf 2006-009 (JAEA, Japan, 2006), pp.163 -168. A.N.Antonov,M.V. Ivanov, M.K.Gaidarov, E. Moya de Guerra, J.A. Caballero, M.B. Barbaro, J.M. Udias, and P.Sarriguren, "Superscaling Analyses of Inclusive Electron Scattering and Their Extension to Charge- Changing Neutrino Cross Sections in Nuclei", in: Proceedings of 6th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, 22-26 August 2006, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006, CP899, 2007 American Institute of Physics, 978-0-7354-5/07, ed. By S.A. Cetin and I. Hikmet, pp.3-6 (2007). G. Z. Krumova, E. Tomasi-Gustafsson, A. N. Antonov, "Charge Form Factor and Cluster Structure of $^6$Li Nucleus" in "Nuclear Theory", Proc. 26th Int. Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila, June 2007, pp.259- 269 (2007). A.N.Antonov, M.V.Ivanov,M.K.Gaidarov, E.Moya de Guerra, "Superscaling in a Dilute Fermi Gas and the Nucleon Momentum Distribution in Nuclei", in "Nuclear Theory", In: Proc. 26th Int. Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila, June 2007, pp. 59-69 (2007). K.V.Lukyanov, V.K.Lukyanov, E.V.Zemlyanaya, A.N.Antonov, M.K.Gaidarov, Calculations of He-6+p elastic scattering cross sections using folding approach and high-energy approximation for the optical potential, 57 Int. conf. on nuclear physics "Nucleus-2007", Voronezh, June 25-29, 2007.(Saint-Petersburg State University, 2007, IBSN 598340052-5, Abstracts, p.212) K.V.Lukyanov, V.K.Lukyanov, E.V.Zemlyanaya, A.N.Antonov, M.K.Gaidarov, "Calculations of He-6+p elastic scattering cross sections using folding approach and high-energy approximation for the optical potential, Int. Conf. on Nuclear and Particle Physics "NUPPAC'07", Luxor (Egypt), November 16-21, 2007.(Book of Abstracts, p.13). K.V.Lukyanov, V.K.Lukyanov, E.V.Zemlyanaya, A.N.Antonov, M.K.Gaidarov, "Calculations of He-6+p elastic scattering cross sections in the framework of the folding approach and high-energy approximation for the optical potential", in: Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Nuclear and Particle Physics "NUPPAC'07", Luxor (Egypt), November 17-21, 2007, p.135-146, (2008). P. Sarriguren, M.K. Gaidarov, E. Moya de Guerra, A.N. Antonov, "Neutron Skins in Spherical and Deformed Nuclei from Skyrme Hartree-Fock Calculations", in Proc. 2nd International Conference on Frontiers in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions: FINUSTAR 2 (Aghios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece, September 10-14, 2007), AIP, CP1012, pp.255-259 (2008). E.V.Zemlyanaya, V.K.Lukyanov, K.V.Lukyanov A.N.Antonov and M.K.Gaidarov, "Calculations of elastic cross sections of He-6+p in the frameworks of the folding model and high-energy approximation for the optical potential", in : Proc. 27th Intern. Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, June 2008, pp.171-180, (2008), ISSN: 1313-2822. P.Sarriguren, M.K. Gaidarov, E.Moya de Guerra, A.N.Antonov, "Neutron Skins in Exotic Nuclei from Skyrme Hartree-Fock Calculations", in : Proc. 27th Intern. Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, June 2008, pp.181-192 (2008), ISSN: 1313-2822. M.K.Ivanov, M.B. Barbaro, J.A. Caballero, A.N. Antonov, E. Moya de Guerra, and M.K. Gaidarov, "Superscaling analyses of Lepton Scattering from Nuclei beyond The Relativistic Fermi Gas Model", in : Proc. 27th Intern. Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, June 2008, pp. 79-94 (2008), ISSN: 1313-2822. A.N.Antonov, M.V. Ivanov, M.K. Gaidarov, J.A. Caballero, M.B. Barbaro, and E. Moya de Guerra, "Superscaling Analyses. Lepton Scattering and Nucleon Momentum Distributions in Nuclei", in Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, 15-20 June 2009, Varenna, Italy ,ISBN: 978-92-9083-340-6, vol.1, pp. 87-94 (2010). V.K. Lukyanov, E.V. Zemlyanaya, K.V. Lukyanov, D.N. Kadrev, A.N. Antonov, M.K. Gaidarov, and S.E. Massen, "A Microscopic Optical Potential Approach to He-6,8 + p Elastic Scattering", in "Nuclear Structure and Dynamics'09", Proceedings of the International Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 4-8 May 2009, M.Milin et al, AIP Conference Proceedings 1165, Melville, New York, 2009, ISBN 978-0-7354-0702-2, ISSN 0094-243X, pp.347-348. A.N.Antonov, M.V. Ivanov, M.K. Gaidarov, J.A. Caballero, M.B. Barbaro, and E. Moya de Guerra, “Superscaling Analyses, Lepton Scattering and Nucleon Momentum Distributions in Nuclei”, in; Proceedings of 28th Int. Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria , 21-26 June 2009, ed.S.S. Dimitrova , INRNE BAS, ISSN:1313- 2822, pp.3-14 (2009). V.K. Lukyanov,E.V. Zemlyanaya, K.V. Lukyanov, D.N. Kadrev, A.N. Antonov, M.K. Gaidarov, and S.E. Massen, “A Microscopic Optical Potential Approach to He-6,8+p Elastic Scattering”, in; Proceedings of 28th Int. Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria , June 2009, ed.S.S. Dimitrova , INRNE BAS, ISSN:1313- 2822, pp. 55-67 (2009). A.N. Antonov, M.V. Ivanov, J.A. Caballero, M.B. Barbaro, J.M.Udias, E.Moya de Guerra, T.W.Donnelly, “Scaling Function, Spectral Function and Nucleon Momentum Distributions in Nuclei”, in:Proc. 29th Int.Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila Mountains, 20-26 June 2010, pp. 72-85, 2010. M.K. Gaidarov, G.Z. Krumova, P. Sarriguren, A.N. Antonov, M.V. Ivanov, E. Moya de Guerra, “Momentum Distributions in Medium and Heavy Exotic Nuclei”, in:Proc. 29th Int.Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila Mountains, 20-26 June 2010, pp.86-95, 2010. V.K. Lukyanov, D.N. Kadrev, E.V. Zemlyanaya, A.N. Antonov, K.V. Lukyanov, M.K. Gaidarov, “Study of He-6+C-12 Elastic Scattering Using a Microscopic Optical Potential”, in:Proc. 29th Int.Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila Mountains, 20-26 June 2010 , pp.96-109, 2010. V.K.Lukyanov, E.V.Zemlyanaya, D.N.Kadrev, A.N. Antonov, M.K.Gaidarov, S.Massen, “Microscopic Calculations of He-8 +p Elastic Scattering Cross Sections”, in:Proc. 18th Int.School on Nuclear Physics etc. ,Varna, Bulgaria, September 21-27,2009, J.Phys.: Conference Series, v.205, 012032 (2010). ISSN: 1742-6588, published by IOP Publishing, Dirac House, Bristol, BS1 6BE, UK. D.N. Kadrev, V.K. Lukyanov, A.N. Antonov, E.V.Zemlyanaya, K.V. Lukyanov, M.K. Gaidarov, K.Spasova, “Microscopic Analysis of Li-11 Elastic Scattering from Protons”, in: Proc.30th Int.Workshop on Nuclear Theory, June 2011, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, v.30, A.Georgieva and N.Minkov, pp. 126-137 (2011). M.K. Gaidarov, A.N. Antonov, P.Sarriguren, E. Moya de Guerra, “Nuclear Symmetry Energy and Surface Properties of Exotic Nuclei”, in: Proc.30th Int. Workshop on Nuclear Theory, June 2011, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, v.30, A.Georgieva and N.Minkov, pp. 106- 115 (2011). V.K. Lukyanov, D.N. Kadrev, E.V. Zemlyanaya, A.N. Antonov, K.V. Lukyanov, and M.K. Gaidarov, “Analysis of He-6+ C-12 Elastic Scattering and Breakup Reactions Using a Microscopic Optical Potential Model”, XXIX Int.School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Applications, IOP Publishing, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 366, (2012) 012032. V.K. Lukyanov, E.V. Zemlyanaya, K.V. Lukyanov, D.N. Kadrev, A.N. Antonov, and M.K. Gaidarov, “Theoretical Analysis of He-6+ C-12 Scattering by Means of the Model of Miscoscopic Optical Potential”, Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Physics, vol.75, No.4, pp.495-499 (2011). V.K.Lukyanov, D.N. Kadrev, E.V. Zemlyanaya, K.Spasova, A.N. Antonov, K.V.Lukyanov, M.K. Gaidarov, “Analysis of the 11Li Breakup on a Proton Target”, Nuclear Theory, v.31 (2012) , Proc. 31th Int.Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila, 24-30 June 2012, eds. A.Georgieva, N. Minkov, Heron Press, Sofia, pp.225-233 (2012). M.K. Gaidarov, A.N. Antonov, P.Sarriguren, E. Moya de Guerra,” Nuclear Matter Properties of Deformed Neutron-Rich Exotic Nuclei”, Nuclear Theory, v.31 (2012), Proc. 31th Int.Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila, 24-30 June 2012, eds.A.Georgieva, N. Minkov, Heron Press, Sofia, pp. 125-134 (2012). A.N. Antonov, D.N. Kadrev, M.K. Gaidarov, K.Spasova, V.K. Lukyanov, E.V. Zemlyanaya, K.V. Lukyanov, Analysis of Elastic Scattering of He-6,8 and Li-11 on Protons and He-6 on C-12 Using Microscopic Optical Potentials, in: Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Villa Monastero, Varenna, Italy, 11-15 June 2012, pp. 173-180, CERN Proceedings Series:, ISBN 978-88-548-5882-4. V.K. Lukyanov, D.N. Kadrev, E.V. Zemlyanaya, A.N. Antonov, K.V. Lukyanov, M.K. Gaidarov, and K.Spasova, "Microscopic Analysis of 11Li Elastic Scattering on Protons", in : Exotic Nuclei,"EXON-2012" , Proceedings of the International Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, 1 – 6 October 2012, edited by: Yu. E. Penionzhkevich and Yu.G. Sobolev, pp.99-104 (2013), ISBN: 978-981-4508-85-8. M.K.Gaidarov, P. Sarriguren, A.N. Antonov, E.Moya de Guerra, “ Nuclear Structure Evolution in Mg Isotopes between Proton and Neutron Drip Lines”, “Nuclear Theory” , vol.32 , in Proceedings of 32nd International Workshop in Nuclear Theory, 24-29 June 2013, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, Ana Georgieva and N.Minkov, pp. 72-81 (2013), ISSN:1313- 2822. M.V. Ivanov, A.N. Antonov, J.A. Caballero, M.B. Barbaro, E.Moya de Guerra, J.M. Udias,” Superscaling Analysis and Neutrino-Induced Charged-Current Pion Production at MiniBooNE Kinematics”, “Nuclear Theory” , vol.32 , in Proceedings of 32nd International Workshop in Nuclear Theory, 24-29 June 2013, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, Ana Georgieva and N. Minkov, pp. 82- 90 (2013), ISSN:1313- 2822. M.K. Gaidarov, A.N. Antonov, P.Sarriguren, E. Moya de Guerra, Symmetry Energy and Surface Properties of Neutron-Rich Exotic Nuclei, AIP Conference Proceedings 1606, 180 (2014), in Proc. II Russian-Spanish Congress on Particle and Nuclear Physics at All Scales, Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology, 1-4 October 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia. 288. K. Spasova, V.K. Lukyanov, D.N. Kadrev, A.N. Antonov, E.V. Zemlyanaya, K.V. Lukyanov, and M.K. Gaidarov, “ Microscopic Analysis of Li-11 Elastic Scattering on Protons and Breakup Processes within Li-9 + 2n Cluster Model”, XX International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Applications (Varna 2013), IOP Publishing, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 533 (2014) 012031.