Last updated: December 2015
Name: |
Nikolay Minkov Petrov |
Photo: |

Occupation: |
Associate Professor, Dr., attested to full Professor |
Responsibility: |
Research group on "Models of Complex Deformed Nuclei,
symmetries and fine structure of nuclear spectra" |
Office Address: |
Laboratory "Theory of Atomic Nucleus" (LTAN)
Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE)
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS)
Tzarigradsko Schaussee 72 BG-1784 Sofia, Bulgaria |
Office Phone: |
(+359) 2 979 5637 |
Office Fax: |
(+359) 2 975-36-19 |
E-mail: | |
Home Address: |
Geo Milev Quart., Hemus Str., Bl. 61-B BG-1574 Sofia, Bulgaria |
Home Phone: |
(+359) 2 73 12 30 |
Birth Date: |
21 October 1965 |
Birth Place: |
Sofia, Bulgaria |
Citizenship: |
Bulgarian |
Marital Status: |
married, two children |
PhD, Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia, Bulgaria
Diploma Work and Master Degree in Nuclear and High Energy Physics, Physics Department, University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridsky" , Sofia, Bulgaria
National Gymnasium of Natural Sciences and Mathematics "Acad. L. Chakalov", Profile: Physics, Sofia, Bulgaria
Assoc. Prof. Dr., successfully attested to full Professor (INRNE, 4 April 2012),
Laboratory "Theory of Atomic Nucleus" (LTAN),
Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE),
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), Sofia, Bulgaria
Associate Professor Dr., LTAN/INRNE/BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria
Assistant Professor (1-st degree) Dr., LTAN/INRNE/BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria
Assistant Professor (2-nd degree) Dr., LTAN/INRNE/BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria
Research Scientist, LTAN/INRNE/BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria
PhD Student, LTAN/INRNE/BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria
CENBG, University of Bordeaux I, France: Sep-Dec 2008 - Invited Professor
CENBG, University of Bordeaux I, France: April 2001 - Invited Senior Researcher
RCNP, Osaka University, Japan: 2001 - 2002, Professor of Center of Excellence
Bulgarian, English, Russian
Bulgarian Physical Society, since 1991
Union of the Scientists in Bulgaria, since 1998
Nuclear Theory, Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Classical and Quantum Algebras, Models of Complex Deformed Nuclei, Collective Spectra of Heavy Nuclei, Symmetries in Nuclei and Molecules
N. Minkov, "Application of classical and quantum algebras to study collective properties of even-even deformed nuclei", PhD thesis, INRNE-BAS, Sofia 1997.
N. Minkov, "Study of Pauli principle effects in spherical nuclei within a
Quasiparticle Phonon Model", Master thesis, University of Sofia, 1990.
- N. Minkov, R. Roussev and P. Raychev, "Shell correlations in the SUq(2)-rotor model", J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 20, L67-72 (1994).
- N. Minkov, P. Raychev and R. Roussev, "Nuclear deformation in the SUq(2)-rotor model", J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 21, 557-563 (1995).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Raychev, R. Roussev and D. Bonatsos, "The SUq(2) rotator model in excited collective bands of even deformed nuclei", J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 22, 1663-1641 (1996).
- D. Bonatsos, C. Daskaloyannis, S. Drenska, G. Lalazissis, N. Minkov, P. Raychev and R. Roussev, "Δ I=4 and Δ I=8 bifurcations in rotational bands of diatomic molecules", Phys. Rev. A 54, R2533-2536 (1996).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Raychev, R. Roussev and D. Bonatsos, "Broken SU(3) symmetry in deformed even-even nuclei", Phys. Rev. C 55, 2345-2360 (1997).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Raychev, R. Roussev and D. Bonatsos, "Ground-γ band coupling in heavy deformed nuclei and SU(3) contraction limit", Phys. Rev. C 60, 034305 (1999).
- D. Bonatsos, C. Daskaloyannis, S. B. Drenska, N. Karoussos, J. Maruani, N. Minkov, P. P. Raychev and R. P. Roussev, "Δ I=2 staggering in rotational bands of diatomic molecules as a manifestation of interband interactions", Phys. Rev. A 60, 253-261 (1999).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Raychev, R. Roussev and D. Bonatsos "Ground-γ band mixing and odd-even staggering in heavy deformed nuclei", Phys. Rev. C 61, 064301 (2000).
- D. Bonatsos, C. Daskaloyannis, S. B. Drenska, N. Karoussos, N. Minkov, P. P. Raychev and R. P. Roussev, "Δ=1 staggering in octupole bands of light actinides: Beat patterns", Phys. Rev. C 62, 024301 (2000).
- D. Bonatsos, C. Daskaloyannis, S. B. Drenska, N. Karoussos, J. Maruani, N. Minkov, P. P. Raychev and R. P. Roussev, "Staggering Effects in Nuclear and Molecular Spectra", Progr. Theor. Chem. Phys. A: New Trends in Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics 1, 393-416 (2001).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Raychev, R. Roussev and D. Bonatsos, "Beat patterns for the odd-even staggering in octupole bands from a quadrupole-octupole Hamiltonian", Phys. Rev. C 63, 044305 (2001).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Raychev, R. Roussev and D. Bonatsos, "Rotations of Nuclei with Reflection Asymmetry Correlations", Physics of Atomic Nuclei 64, p. 1100-1106 (2001).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Raychev, R. Roussev and D. Bonatsos, "Rotations of Nuclei with Octupole Deformations", Rom. J. Phys. 46, p.65-71 (2001).
- S. Drenska, A. Georgieva and N. Minkov, "Staggering behavior of the low-lying excited states of even-even nuclei in a Sp(4,R) classification scheme", Phys. Rev. C 65, 054303 (2002).
- N. Minkov and S. Drenska, "Quadrupole-Octupole Collectivity and Fine Structure of Nuclear Rotational Spectra", Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 146, 597 (2002).
- S. Drenska, A. Georgieva and N. Minkov, "Staggering behavior of the low lying excited states of even-even nuclei in a Sp(4,R) classification scheme", Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 146, 555 (2002).
- S. Sugimoto, H. Toki, K. Ikeda and N. Minkov, "Relativistic mean field theory with the pion for finite nuclei", Nucl. Phys. A 722, 360c-365c (2003).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Yotov and W. Scheid, "Complex Shape Effects in Nuclear Rotational Spectra", Physics of Atomic Nuclei 67, 1760 (2004).
- D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, P. P. Raychev and P. A. Terziev, "Extended E(5) and X(5) Symmetries: Series of Models Providing Parameter-Independent Predictions", Physics of Atomic Nuclei 67, 1767 (2004).
- D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, P. P. Raychev and P. A. Terziev, "Sequence of potentials lying between the U(5) and X(5) symmetries", Phys. Rev. C 69, 014302 (2004).
- D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, D. Petrellis, P. P. Raychev and P. A. Terziev, "Ground state bands of the E(5) and X(5) critical symmetries obtained from Davidson potentials through a variational procedure", Phys. Lett. B 584, 40 (2004).
- D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, P. P. Raychev and P. A. Terziev, "Sequence of potentials interpolating between the U(5) and E(5) symmetries", Phys. Rev. C 69, 044316 (2004).
- D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, D. Petrellis, P. P. Raychev and P. A. Terziev, "E(5) and X(5) critical point symmetries obtained from Davidson potentials through a variational procedure", Phys. Rev. C 70, 024305 (2004).
- S. Lalkovski and N. Minkov, "Evolution of collectivity in a ground-? band mixing scheme for even-even transitional nuclei", J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 31, 427-444 (2005).
- D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, D. Petrellis, P. Yotov, "Analytic Description of Critical Point Actinides in a Transition from Octupole Deformation to Octupole Vibrations", Phys. Rev. C 71, 064309 (2005).
- R. V. Jolos, N. Minkov and W. Scheid, "Inversion of parity splitting in alternating parity bands at high angular momenta", Phys. Rev. C 72, 064312 (2005).
- N. Minkov, P. Yotov, S. Drenska and W. Scheid, "Parity shift and beat staggering structure of octupole bands in a collective model for quadrupole-octupole deformed nuclei", J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 32, 497-509 (2006).
- N. Minkov, P. Yotov, S. Drenska, W. Scheid, D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis and D. Petrellis, "Nuclear collective motion with a coherent coupling interaction between quadrupole and octupole modes", Phys. Rev. C 73, 044315 (2006).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Yotov, D. Bonatsos and W. Scheid, "Collective states of odd nuclei in a model with quadrupole-octupole degrees of freedom", Physics of Atomic Nuclei 70, 1470–1475 (2007).
- N. Minkov, P. Yotov, R. V. Jolos and W. Scheid, "Intrinsic origin of the high order angular momentum terms in a nuclear rotation Hamiltonian", J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 34, 299-313 (2007).
- S. Lalkovski, S. Ilieva, A. Minkova, N. Minkov, T. Kutsarova, A. Lopez-Martens, A. Korichi, H. Hubel, A. Gorgen, A. Jansen, G. Schonwasser, B. Herskind, M. Bergstrom and Z. Podoliak, "Octupole collectivity in 98,100,102Mo", Phys. Rev. C 75, 014314 (2007).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Yotov, S. Lalkovski, D. Bonatsos and W. Scheid, "Coherent quadrupole-octupole modes and split parity-doublet spectra in odd-A nuclei", Phys. Rev. C 76, 034324 (2007).
- D. Bonatsos, E. A. McCutchan, N. Minkov, R. F. Casten, P. Yotov, D. Lenis, D. Petrellis and I. Yigitoglu, "Exactly separable version of the Bohr Hamiltonian with the Davidson potential", Phys. Rev. C 76, 064312 (2007).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, M. Strecker and W. Scheid, "Coriolis interaction in quadrupole–octupole deformed nuclei", J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 36, 025108 (2009).
- D. Bonatsos, P. Georgoudis, D. Lenis, N. Minkov and C.Quesne, "Bohr Hamiltonian with deformation-dependent mass term", Phys. Lett. B 683, 264-271 (2010).
- P. Quentin, L. Bonneau, N. Minkov and D. Samsoen, "Odd nuclei, time-reversal symmetry breaking and magnetic polarization of the even-even core", Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 19, 611 (2010).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, M. Strecker and W. Scheid, "Coriolis interaction in nuclear single particle states with mixed parity", J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 37, 025103 (2010).
- P. M. Walker and N. Minkov, "High-K isomers as probes of octupole collectivity in heavy nuclei", Phys. Lett. B 694, 119–122 (2010).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, M. Strecker and W. Scheid, "Parity effects in nuclear collective and single particle motion" Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 20, 228-234 (2011).
- L. Bonneau, J. Le Bloas, P. Quentin and N. Minkov, "Effects of core polarization and pairing correlations on ground-state properties of odd-mass nuclei", Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 20, 252-258 (2011).
- D. Bonatsos, P. Georgoudis, D. Lenis, N. Minkov and C. Quesne, "Bohr Hamiltonian with deformation-dependent mass term for the Davidson potential", Phys. Rev. C 83, 044321 (2011).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, M. Strecker and W. Scheid, "Nuclear alternating-parity bands and transition rates in a model of coherent quadrupole-octupole motion", Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 21, 1250021 (2012).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, M. Strecker, W. Scheid and H. Lenske, "Non-yrast nuclear spectra in a model of coherent quadrupole-octupole motion", Phys. Rev. C 85, 034306 (2012).
- M. S. Nadirbekov, G. A. Yuldasheva, N. Minkov and W. Scheid, "Collective excited states in even-even nuclei with quadrupole and octupole deformations", Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 21, 1250044 (2012).
- N. Minkov and P. M. Walker, "Magnetic moments of K isomers as indicators of octupole collectivity", Eur. Phys. J. A 48: 80 (2012).
- Nikolay Minkov, "A model for quasi parity-doublet spectra in odd-mass nuclei", Physica Scripta T154, 014017 (2013).
- S. Lalkovski, A. M. Bruce, ..., N. Minkov, ..., P. M. Walker and H. J. Wollersheim, "Submicrosecond isomer in 11745Rh72 and the role of triaxiality in its electromagnetic decay rate", Phys. Rev. C 88, 024302 (2013).
- D. Bonatsos, P. E. Georgoudis, N. Minkov, D. Petrellis and C. Quesne, "Bohr Hamiltonian with a deformation-dependent mass term for the Kratzer potential", Phys. Rev. C 88, 034316 (2013).
- Nikolay Minkov, "A model approach to quadrupole-octupole deformations in atomic nuclei", Rom. J. Phys. 58, 1130 (2013).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, K. Drumev, M. Strecker, H. Lenske and W. Scheid, "Non-yrast spectra of odd-A nuclei in a model of coherent quadrupole-octupole motion", Phys. Rev. C 88, 064310 (2013).
- Nikolay Minkov and Phil Walker, "Influence of the octupole mode on nuclear high-K isomeric properties", Physica Scripta 89, 054021 (2014).
- D. Bonatsos, A. Martinou, N. Minkov, S. Karampagia and D. Petrellis, "Octupole deformation in light actinides within an analytic quadrupole octupole axially symmetric model with a Davidson potential", Phys. Rev. C 91, 054315 (2015).
- L. Bonneau, N. Minkov, D. D. Duc, P. Quentin and J. Bartel, "Effect of core polarization on magnetic dipole moments in deformed odd-mass nuclei", Phys. Rev. C 91, 054307 (2015).
- D. Bonatsos, N. Minkov and D. Petrellis, "Bohr Hamiltonian with a deformation dependent mass term: physical meaning of the free parameter", J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 42, 095104 (2015).
- Nikolay Minkov, "Modeling the shape: some contemporary approaches to quadrupole-octupole deformations in atomic nuclei", Bulg. J. Phys. 42 467-476 (2015).
- D. Petrellis, D. Bonatsos and N. Minkov, "Various Aspects of the Deformation Dependent Mass model of Nuclear Structure", Bulg. J. Phys. 42 485-493 (2015).
- N. Minkov, M. Strecker and H. Lenske, "Complete solution of nuclear quadrupole-octupole model in two dimensions", Acta Physica Polonica B, in press (2015).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Raychev, R. Roussev and D. Bonatsos, "Nuclear beta- and gamma-collective bands in the SUq(2)-rotator model", in Collective Motion and Nuclear Dynamics, ed. A. Raduta et al. (World Scientific, Singapore) p.556-564 (1996); ECT* Preprint #: ECT*-96-015; LANL e-preprint, nucl-th/9605013.
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Raychev, R. Roussev and D. Bonatsos, "Investigations of the Broken SU(3) Symmetry in Deformed Even-Even Nuclei", Report on the Fifteenth International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila 1996); NCSR Demokritos preprint DEM-NT-96-12; LANL e-preprint, nucl-th/9701041.
- D. Bonatsos, C. Daskaloyannis, S. B. Drenska, P. Kolokotronis, G. A. Lalazissis, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, P. P. Raychev and R. P. Roussev, "Symmetries in Nuclei and Molecules", Report on the Fifteenth International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila 1996) [12 pages]; NCSR Demokritos preprint DEM-NT-96-06; LANL e-preprint, nucl-th/9701040.
- D. Bonatsos, C. Daskaloyannis, S. Drenska, G. Lalazissis, N. Minkov, P. Raychev and R. Roussev, "Delta J=2 staggering in Rotational Bands of Diatomic Molecules", in the Proceedings of the 7th Hellenic Symposium on Nuclear Physics (Athens 1996), ed. A. Aravantinos (Makedonian Publications, Athens, 1997) p.38-46; NCSR Demokritos preprint DEM-NT-96-13.
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Raychev, R. Roussev and D. Bonatsos, "Broken SU(3) symmetry and ground-gamma band coupling in deformed even-even nuclei", in the Proceedings of the European Conference "Advances in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas" (Thessaloniki 1997), ed. D. Brink, M. Grypeos and S. Massen (Giahoudi-Giapouli, Thessaloniki), p.902-907 (1999).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Raychev, R. Roussev and D. Bonatsos, "SU(3) dynamical symmetry and odd-even (Delta L =1) staggering in heavy deformed nuclei", in the Program Book of the International Conference "50 Years of the Nuclear Shell Model: Present State and Future Trends" (Heidelberg 1999), ed. J. Huefner, P.17.
- D. Bonatsos, C. Daskaloyannis, S. B. Drenska, N. Karoussos, J. Maruani, N. Minkov, P. P. Raychev and R. P. Roussev, "Staggering Effects in Nuclear and Molecular Spectra" in the Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Nuclear Physics (Athens 1999), ed. P. Demetriou and N. Vodinas (Giahoudi-Giapouli, Thessaloniki), p.231-247 (2000); NCSR Demokritos preprint DEM-NT-99-06.
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Raychev, R. Roussev and D. Bonatsos, "SU(3) dynamical symmetry and odd-even (Delta L=1) staggering in heavy deformed nuclei", in the Proceedings of the Second International Conference "Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei" (St. Andrews 1999), ed. J. H. Hamilton, W. R. Phillips and H. K. Carter (World Scientific, Singapore), p.490-493 (2000).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Raychev, R. Roussev and D. Bonatsos, "Ground-gamma band mixing and Delta L=1 staggering in heavy deformed nuclei", Transactions of the Bulgarian Nuclear Society 5, p.192-194 (2000) [Proc. of the 13-th Int. School on Nucl. Phys., Neutr. Phys. and Nucl. Energy, Varna, 1999].
- D. Bonatsos, C. Daskaloyannis, S. B. Drenska, N. Karoussos, N. Minkov, P. P. Raychev and R. P. Roussev "Symmetries in nuclei, molecules and atomic clusters", Transactions of the Bulgarian Nuclear Society 5, p.18-28 (2000) [Proc. of the 13-th Int. School on Nucl. Phys., Neutr. Phys. and Nucl. Energy, Varna, 1999]; N.C.S.R. Demokritos preprint DEM-NT-99-11.
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Raychev, R. Roussev and D. Bonatsos "Symmetries and Staggering Effects in Nuclear Rotational Spectra", in Nuclear Structure, vol. II, ed. G. C. Bonsignori, M. Bruno, A. Ventura and D. Vretenar (World Scientific, Singapore) p.394-397 (2001) [Proceedings of the European Conference "Bologna 2000 - Structure of the Nucleus at the Dawn of the Century", Bologna, Italy (2000)]; LANL e-preprint, nucl-th/0105073.
- D. Bonatsos, C. Daskaloyannis, S. B. Drenska, N. Karoussos, N. Minkov, P. P. Raychev and R. P. Roussev "Odd-Even Staggering Effects in Rotational Spectra of Nuclei and Molecules", Balkan Physics Letters, special issue/2000, p.14-27 [Proceedings of the Second International Balkan School on Nuclear Physics (Bodrum 2000), ed. S. Erturk et al.]; N.C.S.R. Demokritos preprint DEM-NT-00-05.
- D. Bonatsos, C. Daskaloyannis, S. B. Drenska, N. Karoussos, N. Minkov, P. P. Raychev and R. P. Roussev "Beat Patterns of Odd-Even Staggering in Octupole Bands of Light Actinides", in HNPS: Advances in Nuclear Physics [Proceedings of the 11th Hellenic Symposium on Nuclear Physics (Thessaloniki 2000), ed. M. Zamani (2000)], pp. 1-10; N.C.S.R. Demokritos preprint DEM-NT-00-04.
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Raychev and D. Bonatsos "Fine Structure of Rotational Bands and Quadrupole-Octupole Collectivity in Heavy Nuclei", in Nuclear Structure Physics, ed. R. F. Casten, J. Jolie, U. Kneissl and P. Lieb (World Scientific, Singapore) p. 383-384 (2001) [Proceedings of the International Symposium on Nuclear Structure Physics (NP2001), Goettingen, Germany (2001)].
- N. Minkov, H. Toki, S. Sugimoto and K. Ikeda, "Application of Relativistic Mean Field Theory with Pion to Gamow-Teller Transition Strengths in Nuclei", RCNP Annual Report 2001 (Osaka), Sec. II (Theoretical Physics), R.16 (2002).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska and P. Yotov "Description of Alternating Parity Bands in a Quadrupole-Octupole Rotation Model", in the Proceedings of the 21-st International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2002), ed. V. Nikolaev, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 290 (2002).
- S. Drenska, A. Georgieva and N. Minkov "Staggering behavior of 21+-excited states of even-even nuclei in a Sp(4,R) classification scheme", in Transactions of the Bulgarian Nuclear Society 7, p.168-172, (2002) [Proceedings of the XIV International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Nuclear Energy, Varna, Bulgaria (2001), ed. Ch. Stoyanov] .
- P. Raychev, M. Ivanov, A. Georgieva, S. Drenska, N. Minkov and V. Gueorguiev, "Symplectic Systematics of Nuclei and Applications to Nuclear Collectivity", in Algebraic Methods in Nuclear Theory, ed. A. Antonov, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 65 (2002).
- D. Bonatsos, C. Daskaloyannis, S. B. Drenska, N. Fotiades, N. Minkov, P. P. Raychev and R. P. Roussev , "Odd-Even Staggering in Octupole Bands of Light Actinides and Rare Earths: Systematics of Beat Patterns", in Algebraic Methods in Nuclear Theory, ed. A. Antonov, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 89 (2002).
- N. Minkov and S. Drenska "Quadrupole-Octupole Collectivity and Staggering Effects in Nuclear Rotational Spectra", in the Proceedings of the 11-th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics (CGS11), Pruhonice, (2002), ed. J. Kvasil et al, (World Scientific, Singapore), p. 773 (2003).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Yotov and W. Scheid, "Evolution of collectivity in the forming of octupole structure in nuclear rotational bands", in the Proceedings of the 22-nd International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2003), ed. V. Nikolaev, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 233 (2003).
- S. Lalkovski and N. Minkov, "Ground-gamma band mixing and odd-even staggering beyond the well deformed nuclei", in the Proceedings of the 22-nd International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2003), ed. V. Nikolaev, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 311 (2003).
- D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, P. P. Raychev and P. A. Terziev, "Parameter-independent symmetries in nuclear structure: Extensions of X(5)", in the Proceedings of the 22-nd International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2003), ed. V. Nikolaev, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 169 (2003).
- D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, P. P. Raychev and P. A. Terziev, "A chain of potentials interpolating between the U(5) and E(5) symmetries", in the Proceedings of the 22-nd International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2003), ed. V. Nikolaev, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 197 (2003).
- D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, P. P. Raychev and P. A. Terziev, "Parameter-Independent Symmetries in Nuclear Structure", in the Proceedings of the 13th Hellenic Symposium on Nuclear Physics (Ioannina, Greece, May 30-31, 2003), ed. N. G. Nicolis and T. S. Kosmas (2003).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Yotov and W. Scheid, "Evolution of collectivity in nuclei with quadrupole-octupole deformations", Transactions of the Bulgarian Nuclear Society 9, 192 (2004) [Proceedings of the XV International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Nuclear Energy, Varna, Bulgaria (2003)].
- P. Yotov, N. Minkov and S. Drenska, "K-mixing effects in nuclear octupole bands", Transactions of the Bulgarian Nuclear Society 9, 214 (2004) [Proceedings of the XV International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Nuclear Energy, Varna, Bulgaria (2003)].
- S. Lalkovski and N. Minkov, "Ground-gamma band mixing and odd-even staggering in 40 < Z < 50 region", Transactions of the Bulgarian Nuclear Society 9, 221 (2004) [Proceedings of the XV International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Nuclear Energy, Varna, Bulgaria (2003)].
- D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, P. P. Raychev and P. A. Terziev, "Chains of Potentials Interpolating Between the U(5) and E(5) Symmetries, as well as Between the U(5) and X(5) Symmetries", Transactions of the Bulgarian Nuclear Society 9, 30 (2004) [Proceedings of the XV International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Nuclear Energy, Varna, Bulgaria (2003)].
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Yotov and W. Scheid, "Parity Shift and Fine Rotation Structure in the Spectra of Nuclei with Octupole Deformations", in the Proceedings of the 23-rd International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2004), ed. S. Dimitrova, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 203 (2004).
- D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, D. Petrellis, P. P. Raychev and P. A. Terziev, "Variational procedure leading from Davidson potentials to the E(5) and X(5) critical point symmetries" in the Proceedings of the 23-rd International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2004), ed. S. Dimitrova, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 228 (2004).
- D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, D. Petrellis, P. P. Raychev and P. A. Terziev, "Variational Procedure Leading from Davidson Potentials to the E(5) and X(5) Critical Point Symmetries", in Key Topics in Nuclear Structure [Proceedings of the 8th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics (Paestrum, Italy 2004)], ed. A. Covello, (World Scientific, Singapore), p. 327 (2004).
- D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, D. Petrellis, P. P. Raychev and P. A. Terziev, "Variational Procedure Leading from Davidson Potentials to the E(5) and X(5) Critical Point Symmetries", in HNPS: Advances in Nuclear Physics [Proceedings of the 14th Hellenic Symposium on Nuclear Physics (Athens 2004)], ed. M. Kokkoris, C. T. Papadopoulos and R. Vlastou (Symmetria, Athens, 2005) p. 10-16.
- D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis, D. Petrellis, N. Minkov, and P. A. Terziev, "Critical Point Symmetries in Nuclear Physics", in Advances in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas, Eds. G. A. Lalazissis and S. E. Massen (Art of Text, Publishing & Graphics Arts Co, Thessaloniki), p. 62 (2005).
- D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, D. Petrellis, P. P. Raychev and P. A. Terziev, "Variational Procedure Leading from Davidson Potentials to the E(5) and X(5) Critical Point Symmetries", Proceedings of 4-th International Balkan School on Nuclear Physics (Bodrum, Turkey, 2004), in Balkan Physics Letters, Special issue, p. 295-298 (2004).
- N. Minkov, P. Yotov, S. Drenska, W. Scheid, D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis and D. Petrellis, "Nuclear shape dynamics in an angular momentum dependent potential of quadrupole and octupole deformation variables", in the Proceedings of the 24-th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2005), ed. S. Dimitrova, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 295 (2005).
- D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, D. Petrellis and P. Yotov, "Analytic Description of Critical Point Actinides and Rare Earths in a Transition from Octupole Deformation to Octupole Vibrations", in the Proceedings of the 24-th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2005), ed. S. Dimitrova, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 219 (2005).
- D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, D. Petrellis and P. Yotov, "Analytic description of critical point actinides in a transition from octupole deformation to octupole vibrations" in the Proceedings of the 15-th Panhellenic Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society, Thessaloniki, Greece, Eds. G. A. Lalazissis and Ch. C. Moustakidis (Art of Text, Publishing & Graphics Arts Co, Thessaloniki) p. 35 (2005).
- D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, D. Petrellis and P. Yotov, "Doubly critical character of the N=90 isotones 150Nd, 152Sm, 154Gd, and 156Dy" in the Proceedings of the 15-th Panhellenic Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society, Thessaloniki, Greece, Eds. G. A. Lalazissis and Ch. C. Moustakidis (Art of Text, Publishing & Graphics Arts Co, Thessaloniki), p. 41 (2005).
- D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, D. Petrellis, P. Yotov, "The Analytic Quadrupole Octupole Axially Symmetric Model: Shape Phase Transition from Octupole Deformation to Octupole Vibrations", Transactions of the Bulgarian Nuclear Society 10, 128 (2005) [Proceedings of the XVI International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Nuclear Energy, Varna, Bulgaria (2005)].
- N. Minkov, P. Yotov, S. Drenska, W. Scheid, D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis and D. Petrellis, "Nuclear collective motion in an angular momentum dependent potential of quadrupole and octupole deformation variables", Transactions of the Bulgarian Nuclear Society 10, 269 (2005) [Proceedings of the XVI International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Nuclear Energy, Varna, Bulgaria (2005)].
- S. Lalkovski, S. Ilieva, A. Minkova, A. Lopez-Martens, F. Hannachi, A. Korichi, T. Kutsarova, N. Minkov, "High-spin states in 98,100,102Mo", Transactions of the Bulgarian Nuclear Society 10, 311 (2005) [Proceedings of the XVI International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Nuclear Energy, Varna, Bulgaria (2005)].
- D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, D. Petrellis and P. Yotov, "Analytic Description of the Shape Phase Transition from Octupole Deformation to Octupole Vibrations", in "Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear/Particle Astrophysics" [Proceedings of the Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2005 (Mamaia-Constanta, Romania)], ed. R. Tribble and S. Stoica, (World Scientific, Singapore), p. 83 (2006).
- D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, D. Petrellis and P. Yotov, "Shape Phase Transition from Octupole Deformation to Octupole Vibrations: The Analytic Quadrupole Octupole Axially Symmetric Model", in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Frontiers In Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics, and Reactions (FINUSTAR), (Island of Kos, Greece, 2005), ed. R. Julin and S. Harissopulos, (AIP Conference Proceedings series, vol. 831 ), p. 208 (2006).
- N. Minkov, P. Yotov, S. Drenska, W. Scheid, D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis and D. Petrellis, "Coupling of nuclear quadrupole and octupole degrees of freedom in an angular momentum dependent potential of two deformation variables", in the Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Frontiers in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions (FINUSTAR), Greece (2005), ed. R. Julin and S. Harissopulos, (AIP Conf. Proc., vol. 831 ), p. 508 (2006).
- N. Minkov, P. Yotov, S. Drenska, W. Scheid, D. Bonatsos, D. Lenis and D. Petrellis, "Collective models for nuclear quadrupole--octupole degrees of freedom: fine structure effects and critical behavior", in the Proceedings of the International Workshop on Symmetries and Low-Energy Phase Transitions in Nuclear-Structure Physics (Camerino, Italy 2005), ed. G. Lo Bianco, (Universita degli Studi di Camerino, Camerino), p. 81 (2006).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, P. Yotov, S. Lalkovski, D. Bonatsos and W. Scheid, "Description of parity-doublet splitting in odd-A nuclei", in the Proceedings of the 25-th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2006), ed. S. Dimitrova, (Dio Mira, Sofia), p. 215 (2006).
- P. Yotov, N. Minkov, R. V. Jolos and W. Scheid, "High order angular momentum dependence of a nuclear rotation Hamiltonian", in the Proceedings of the 25-th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2006), ed. S. Dimitrova, (Dio Mira, Sofia), p. 205 (2006).
- S. Lalkovski, S. Ilieva, A. Minkova, N. Minkov, T. Kutsarova, A. Lopez-Martens, F. Hannachi, A. Korichi, H. Hubel, A. Gorgen, A. Jansen, G. Schoenwasser, B. Herskind, M. Bergstrom, T. L. Khoo, D. Bazacco, and Z. Podoliak, "Alternating parity structures in 98,100,102Mo", in the Proceedings of the 25-th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2006), ed. S. Dimitrova, (Dio Mira, Sofia), p. 149 (2006).
- N. Minkov, M. Strecker and W. Scheid, "Collective and single-particle motion of nuclei with reflection asymmetry", in the Proceedings of the 26-th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2007), ed. S. Dimitrova, (Published by INRNE-ISSN1313-2822, Sofia), p. 183 (2007).
- S. Drenska, M. I. Ivanov, N. Minkov, "Sp(4,R)-systematics of atomic nuclei. F-multiplets and shell structure", in the Proceedings of the 26-th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2007), ed. S. Dimitrova, (Published by INRNE-ISSN: 1313-2822, Sofia), p. 211 (2007); LANL nucl-th arXiv:0912.3768.
- D. Bonatsos, E. A. McCutchan, N. Minkov, R. F. Casten, P. Yotov, D. Lenis, D. Petrellis and I. Yigitoglu, "Exactly separable version of the Bohr Hamiltonian with the Davidson potential", in HNPS: Advances in Nuclear Physics [Proceedings of the 17th Hellenic Symposium on Nuclear Physics (Ioannina 2008)], ed. A. Pakou, T. J. Kosmas and N. G. Nicolis (Giahoudi--Giapouli, Thessaloniki, 2008) p. 121-128.
- N. Minkov, M. Strecker and W. Scheid, "Collective and intrinsic motion of nuclei with quadrupole-octupole degrees of freedom", Transactions of the Bulgarian Nuclear Society 13, 121 (2009) [Proceedings of the XVII International School on Nuclear Physics, and Neutron Physics, Varna, Bulgaria 2007].
- N. Minkov, M. Strecker and W. Scheid, "Coriolis interaction in quadrupole-octupole deformed nuclei", in the Proceedings of the 27-th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2008), ed. S. Dimitrova, (Published by INRNE-ISSN: 1313-2822, Sofia), p. 119 (2008).
- N. Minkov, M. Strecker and W. Scheid, "Interplay between collective and single-particle motion of nuclei with reflection asymmetry" in the Proceedings of the 2-nd International Conference "Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy" (Kiev, Ukraine 2008), ed. I. M. Vyshnevskyi and V. Yu. Denisov (Publishing Department of KINR, Kiev) p. 115 (2009).
- P. Quentin, N. Minkov, L. Bonneau and D. Samsoen, "Time-odd effects and the spectroscopic properties of odd-mass fission fragments", in the Proceedings of the 4-th International Workshop "Nuclear Fission and Fission-Product Spectroscopy (FISSION 2009)", May 2009, Cadarache France, AIP Conf. Proc. vol. 1175, pp. 174-181 (2009) ISBN: 978-0-7354-0714-5.
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, M. Strecker and W. Scheid, "Parity mixing in the single particle states of quadrupole-octupole deformed nuclei", J. Phys.: Conf. Series 205, p. 012009 (2010) [Proceedings of the XVIII International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Applications 21-27 September 2009, Varna, Bulgaria].
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska and W. Scheid, "Coriolis interaction and nuclear quadrupole-octupole deformations" in the Proceedings of the Int. Conf. Nuclear Structure and Related Topics (NSRT), 30 June - 4 July 2009, Dubna, Russia, ed. A. I. Vdovin, V. V. Voronov and R. V. Jolos, (JINR Publishing, ISBN 978-5-9530-0234-9), Vol. I, p. 198 (2010).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, M. Strecker and W. Scheid, "Coriolis interaction in nuclear single particle states with mixed parity", in the Proceedings of the 28-th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2009), ed. S. Dimitrova, (Published by INRNE-ISSN: 1313-2822, Sofia), p. 201 (2009).
- L. Bonneau, N. Minkov, P. Quentin and D. Samsoen, "Time-odd effects on single particle spectra of odd-mass nuclei in the Skyrme Hartree-Fock approach", in the Proceedings of the 28-th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2009), ed. S. Dimitrova, (Published by INRNE-ISSN: 1313-2822, Sofia), p. 23 (2009).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska and W. Scheid, "Non-yrast alternating parity bands in the model of coherent quadrupole-octupole motion", Nuclear Theory, vol. 29 [Proceedings of the 29-th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2010)], ed. A. I. Georgieva and N. Minkov, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 189 (2010).
- P. Yotov, N. Minkov, R. V. Jolos and W. Scheid, "Dependence of perturbed nuclear rotation on quadrupole and octupole deformations", Nuclear Theory, vol. 29 [Proceedings of the 29-th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2010)], ed. A. I. Georgieva and N. Minkov, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 211 (2010).
- D. Bonatsos, P. Georgoudis, D. Lenis, N. Minkov and C. Quesne, "SUSYQM in nuclear structure: Bohr Hamiltonian with deformation-dependent mass term", Nuclear Theory, vol. 29 [Proceedings of the 29-th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2010)], ed. A. I. Georgieva and N. Minkov, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 179 (2010).
- D. Bonatsos, P. E. Georgoudis, D. Lenis, N. Minkov and C. Quesne, "SUSYQM in nuclear structure: Bohr Hamiltonian with mass depending on the deformation", in HNPS: Advances in Nuclear Physics [Proceedings of the 19th Hellenic Symposium on Nuclear Physics (Thessaloniki 2010)].
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, M. Strecker and W. Scheid, "Energies and transition probabilities in nuclear alternating-parity spectra" Nuclear Theory, vol. 30 [Proceedings of the 30-th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2011)], ed. A. I. Georgieva and N. Minkov, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 43 (2011).
- M. Strecker, N. Minkov and H. Lenske, "Full solution of nuclear quadrupole-octupole model", Nuclear Theory, vol. 30, [Proceedings of the 30-th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2011)], ed. A. I. Georgieva and N. Minkov, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 53 (2011).
- D. Bonatsos, P. Georgoudis, D. Lenis, N. Minkov and C. Quesne, "The Deformation Dependent Mass Davidson Model of Atomic Nuclei", Nuclear Theory, vol. 30, [Proceedings of the 30-th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2011)], ed. A. I. Georgieva and N. Minkov, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 198 (2011).
- D. Bonatsos, P. Georgoudis, D. Lenis, N. Minkov and C. Quesne, "Fixing the moment of inertia in the Bohr Hamiltonian through Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics", J. Phys.: Conf. Series 366, 012017 (2012) [Proceedings of the XIX International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Applications 19 - 25 September, 2011, Varna, Bulgaria].
- D. Bonatsos, P. E. Georgoudis, D. Lenis, N. Minkov and C. Quesne, "The Deformation-Dependent Mass Davidson model", in HNPS: Advances in Nuclear Physics [Proceedings of the 20th Hellenic Symposium on Nuclear Physics (Athens 2011)].
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, K. Drumev, M. Strecker, H. Lenske and W. Scheid, "Description of non-yrast split parity-doublet bands in odd-A nuclei", Nuclear Theory, vol. 31, Proceedings of the 31-st International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2012), ed. A. I. Georgieva and N. Minkov, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 35 (2012).
- M. Strecker, N. Minkov and H. Lenske, "Energies and transition probabilities from the full solution of nuclear quadrupole-octupole model", Nuclear Theory, vol. 31, Proceedings of the 31-st International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2012), ed. A. I. Georgieva and N. Minkov, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 47 (2012).
- L. Bonneau, P. Quentin, N. Minkov, J. Bartel and J. Le Bloas, "Effects of core polarization and pairing correlations on magnetic moments of deformed odd nuclei", Nuclear Theory, vol. 31, Proceedings of the 31-st International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2012) , ed. A. I. Georgieva and N. Minkov, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 164 (2012).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska, K. Drumev, M. Strecker, H. Lenske and W. Scheid, "Non-yrast quadrupole-octupole spectra", Proc. Int. Conf. "Nuclear Structure and Related Topics" (NSRT-12), Dubna, Russia, 2012, EPJ Web of Conferences 38, 12001 (2012).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska and M. Strecker, "A model for quasi parity-doublet spectra with strong Coriolis mixing", Nuclear Theory, vol. 32, Proceedings of the 32-nd International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2013), ed. A. I. Georgieva and N. Minkov, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 22 (2013).
- M. Strecker, N. Minkov and H. Lenske, "Full solution of nuclear quadrupole-octupole model for odd-A nuclei", Nuclear Theory, vol. 32, Proceedings of the 32-nd International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2013), ed. A. I. Georgieva and N. Minkov, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 37 (2013).
- N. Minkov, S. Drenska and P. Yotov, "Coherent quadrupole-octupole states from a SUSY-QM Hamiltonian hierarchy and shape invariance", Nuclear Theory, vol. 33, Proceedings of the 33-rd International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2014), ed. A. I. Georgieva and N. Minkov, (Heron Press, Sofia), p. 32 (2014).
- D. Bonatsos, P. E. Georgoudis, N. Minkov, D. Petrellis and C. Quesne, "Bohr Hamiltonian with deformation-dependent mass", J. Phys.: Conf. Series 590, 012004 (2015) [Proceedings of the NUBA-1 Conference: Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics (Adrasan/Antalya, Turkey, 15-21 Sep. 2014)].
- N. Minkov and P. M. Walker, "Deformations and magnetic moments in high-K isomeric states of heavy and superheavy nuclei", Nuclear Theory, vol. 34, Proceedings of the 34-th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila, Bulgaria 2015), ed. M. Gaidarov and N. Minkov, (Heron Press, Sofia), (2015).
- N. Minkov and P. M. Walker, "Octupole deformations in high-K isomeric states of heavy and superheavy nuclei", Proc. Int. Conf. ``Nuclear Structure and Related Topics'' (NSRT-15), Dubna, Russia, 2015, EPJ Web of Conferences, to appear (2015).
International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (IWNT), Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, 1992-2015 (Annual)
Int. School on Nucl. Phys., Neutron Phys. and Nucl. Energy, Varna, Bulgaria, 1989,1991,1993,1995,1999,2003,2005,2007,2009
International Conference "Nuclear Structure and Related Topics", Dubna, Russia, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015
International Summer School "Collective Motion and Nuclear Dynamics", Predeal, Romania, 1995
European Conference "Advances in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas", Thessaloniki, Greece, 1997
International Conference "50 Years of the Nuclear Shell Model, Present State and Future Trends", Heidelberg, Germany, 1999
European Conference "Bologna 2000 - Structure of the Nucleus at the Dawn of the Century", Bologna, Italy 2000
Advanced Study Institute "Nuclei Far from Stability and Astrophysics", Predeal, Romania, 2000
International Symposium on Nuclear Structure Physics "NP2001", Goettingen, Germany, 2001
Yukawa International Seminar 2001 (YKIS01) "Physics of Unstable Nuclei", Kyoto, Japan, 2001
11-th Int. Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics (CGS11), Pruhonice, Czech Republic, 2002
3-rd International Balkan School on Nuclear Physics, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2002
3-rd International Symposium on Nuclear Physics (Sandanski-3), Albena, Bulgaria, 2005
International Workshop on Symmetries and Low-Energy Phase Transitions in Nuclear-Structure Physics, Camerino, Italy, 2005
3-rd Int. Workshop on Shape-Phase Transitions and Critical Point Phenomena in Nuclei, Athens, Greece, 2006
Fourth Int. Workshop on Shape-Phase Transitions and Critical-Point Phenomena in Atomic Nuclei (Sofia07) Sofia, Bulgaria, 2007
2-nd International Conference "Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy" (NPAE-Kyiv2008) Kiev, Ukraine, 2008
17th Nuclear Physics Workshop "Marie and Pierre Curie" (Symmetry and symmetry breaking in nuclear physics), Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 2010
18th Nuclear Physics Workshop "Marie and Pierre Curie" (Nuclear Collective Phenomena), Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 2011
6th International Workshop on Shape-Phase Transitions and Critical-Point Phenomena in Nuclei, Darmstadt, Germany, 2012
19-th Nuclear Physics Workshop "Marie and Pierre Curie" (Structure and Dynamics of Atomic Nuclei), Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 26-30 September 2012
20-th Nuclear Physics Workshop "Marie and Pierre Curie" (Structure and Dynamics of Atomic Nuclei), Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 25-29 September 2013
22-nd Nuclear Physics Workshop "Marie and Pierre Curie" (Essential Problems in Nuclear Physics), Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 22-27 September 2015
International Workshop "Shapes and Dynamics of Atomic Nuclei: Contemporary Aspects" (SDANCA-15), Sofia, Bulgaria, 8-10 October 2015
Fourth Int. Workshop on Shape-Phase Transitions and Critical-Point Phenomena in Atomic
Nuclei (Sofia07) 4-6 October 2007 Sofia, Bulgaria, co-chairman
29-33 International Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria 2010, 2011, 2012,
2013, 2014, scientific secretary
34-th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria 2015,
International Workshop “Shapes and Dynamics of Atomic Nuclei: Contemporary Aspects”
(SDANCA-15), Sofia, Bulgaria, 8-10 October 2015, chairman
Nuclear Theory, vol. 29 [Proceedings of the 29-th International
Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, 2010)], Eds. A. I.
Georgieva and N. Minkov (Heron Press, Sofia, 2010).
Nuclear Theory, vol. 30 [Proceedings of the 30-th Anniversary
International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, 2011)],
Eds. A. I. Georgieva and N. Minkov (Heron Press, Sofia, 2011).
Nuclear Theory, vol. 31 [Proceedings of the 31-st International
Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, 2012)], Eds. A. I.
Georgieva and N. Minkov (Heron Press, Sofia, 2012).
Nuclear Theory, vol. 32 [Proceedings of the 32-nd International
Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, 2013)], Eds. A. I.
Georgieva and N. Minkov (Heron Press, Sofia, 2013).
Nuclear Theory, vol. 33 [Proceedings of the 33-rd International
Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, 2014)], Eds. A. I.
Georgieva and N. Minkov (Heron Press, Sofia, 2014).
Nuclear Theory, vol. 34 [Proceedings of the 34-th International Workshop on
Nuclear Theory (Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, 2015)], Eds. M. Gaidarov and N. Minkov
(Heron Press, Sofia, 2015).
Bulg. J. Phys. 42, No 4 (2015) [Based on the International Workshop
“Shapes and Dynamics of Atomic Nuclei: Contemporary Aspects” (SDANCA-15), Sofia,
Bulgaria, 8-10 October 2015], Guest editor N. Minkov.
"Dynamical Symmetries and Fine Effects in the Structure of Nuclear and Molecular Spectra",
Contract No MU-F-02/98 with the Bulgarian National Fund for Scientific Research,
"Nuclear Structure and Octupole Deformations in the Dinuclear System Model", DAAD
grant, 2001
"Clusterisation and octupule deformations, vibrations and rotations in nuclei", Contract No
436 BUL 113/128/0-1 within the frame agreement between Bulg. Acad. Sci. (BAS) and
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), 2003-2007
"Models of complex deformed nuclei, symmetries and fine structure
of nuclear spectra", INRNE-BAS project, 2005- present
"Symmetries and fine effects in the structure of atomic nuclei, clustering and collective
properties of many-body systems", Contract No F-1502/05 with the Bulgarian National
Science Fund, 2005-2010
"Collective and microscopic dynamics of complex deformed and exotic nuclei", Contract No:
436 BUL 113/151/0-1 within the BAS - DFG frame agreement, 2008-2011
"Isomeric states in regions of octupole collectivity and in neutron-rich nuclei", research
contract within the frame agreement between BAS and Royal Society, 2010-2012
"Complex shape deformations in heavy and neutron rich nuclei", Contract No: LE 439/10-1
within the BAS - DFG frame agreement, 2012-2013
"Advanced microscopic and phenomenological approaches to the stability and collective
motion of atomic nuclei", Research contract within the BAS - CNRS frame agreement, 2014 -
"Energy of isomeric and of short-living nuclear excitations: effects of deformation on the
structure and stability of atomic nuclei", Contract No DFNI-E02/6 with the Bulgarian National
Science Fund, 2014 - present
Dip. di Sci. Fis., Universita di Napoli "Federico II", Napoli, Italy - May 2000 (1 week)
RCNP, Osaka University, Japan - July 2001 - April 2002: totally 10 months
RIKEN, Wako city, Japan - February 2002 (1 week), March 2002 (1 week): totally 2 weeks
JINR Dubna, Russia - June 2000, Sep 2003, June 2006, July 2009, June 2012, July 2015: totally 6 weeks
Phys. Dept., University of Surrey, UK - March 2001 (1 week), March 2009 (1 week), March
2010 (1 month), February/March 2011 (1 month), April 2015 (1 week): totally 2 months and 3
CENBG, University of Bordeaux I, France - April 2001, Nov/Dec 2003, May/June 2004,
June/July 2005, Nov/Dec 2006, Nov/Dec 2007, Sep/Nov 2008, Sep/Oct 2009, May/June 2011,
June/July 2014: totally 10.5 months
Institut de Physique Nucleaire, CNRS-IN2P3 and Universite Paris XI, Orsay - Dec. 2006 (1
Inst. Theo. Phys., Uni. Giessen, Germany - May/June 2001, Aug/Sep 2002, Sep/Nov 2003,
Sep/Nov 2004, Sep/Nov 2005, Sep/Nov 2006, Oct/Nov 2007, Dec 2008, Aug/Sep and
Nov/Dec 2009, Aug/Nov 2010, Aug/Nov 2011, Aug/Nov 2012, Oct/Nov 2015: totally 25
IPHC/DRS, CNRS/IN2P3 University of Strasbourg - Oct. 2011 (3 days), June/July 2015 (15
days): totally 18 days
CERN, ISOLDE group - April 2012 (1 week)
University of Liverpool, Physical Department - April 2015 (2 days)
GSI/Darmstadt, Group on superheavy nuclei - 11 Nov 2015
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (Heidelberg), Theory Division - Nov 2015 (4 days)
Award of the Bulgarian National Fund for Scientific Research, 1996
Award for high scientific contributions of the Union of the Scientists in Bulgaria (young
scientists), 1996
INRNE Award for best theoretical work, 1998
INRNE Award for best theoretical work, 2011
INRNE Award for best theoretical work, 2014
Award for high scientific contributions of the Union of the Scientists in Bulgaria (advanced
scientists), 2014