- Afanasjev,
Anatoli (Mississippi State University, USA) [on-line]: Improving energy density functionals in particle-particle and particle-hole channels
- Akkoyun,
Serkan (Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Türkiye) [on-line]: Plasma Shielding Effects on Nuclear Spectra: Applications on Two Valance Particle Systems in SD Shell
- Arora,
Divya (Inter-University Accelerator Centre, India) [on-line]: Study of fission dynamics of 213, 215, 217Fr formed in heavy-ion induced reaction
- Bonatsos,
Dennis (INPP, NCSR Demokritos, Greece) [on-site]: Islands of shape coexistence in proxy-SU(3) symmetry and in covariant density functional theory
- Buyukcizmeci,
Nihal (Selcuk University, Turkey) [on-line]: Disintegration of nuclei in high energy reactions
- Chbihi,
Abdou (GANIL, France) [on-site]: N-Z asymmetry effects on the nuclear equation of state.
SAHILA (PANJAB UNIVERSITY, INDIA) [on-line]: Theoretical speculation of unobserved decay channels for super-heavy elements using the Dynamical Cluster-decay Model
- Das,
Pragya (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India) [on-site]: Polarization-directional correlation of gamma rays in spectroscopic investigation of nuclei
- Deyanova,
Galya (University of Sofia, Faculty of physics, Bulgaria) [on-site]: "A review on the gas sector in Bulgaria: structure and some comprehensive analysis"
NAVJOT KAUR (DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS, PANJAB UNIVERSITY, CHANDIGARH, INDIA) [on-line]: Influence of momentum dependent interactions on the energy of onset of vaporisation
- Dimitrova,
Sevdalina (Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Sofia, Bulgaria) [on-site]:
- Drumev,
Kalin (INRNE, BAS, Bulgaria) [on-site]: Recent progress in the universal microscopic algebraic shell-model approach development for the description of collective states in light and medium-mass nuclei
Jerzy (University of Strasbourg, France) [on-line]: New Methods in Nuclear Spectroscopy in Detecting Exotic Symmetries
- El Adri,
Mohamed (Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco) [on-line]: Study of structural and decay properties of even-even Pb isotopes
Quentin (IN2P3 - L2IT, FRANCE) [on-line]: Study of N/Z asymmetry effects on the nuclear equation of state
- Firdous,
Nameeqa (GIFT University, Pakistan) [on-line]: Predictions of Monte Carlo Event generators
- Gaidarov,
Mitko (INRNE, BAS, Bulgaria) [on-site]: An alternative approach within the CDFM for studies of nuclear symmetry energy components and their ratio
- Garistov,
Vladimir (INRNE, Bulgaria) [on-site]: Alpha decay of heavy and super-heavy nuclei
- Gautam,
Sakshi (Panjab University Chandigarh, India) [on-site]: Neutron-proton asymmetry effects in nuclear fragmentation in far Fermi energy region
- Georgieva,
Ana (Institute for Investigations of the Climate, Atmosphere and Waters, BAS, Bulgaria) [on-site]:
- Georgoudis,
Panagioti (GANIL, France) [on-site]: Conformal symmetry, unitary limit and the collective nuclear states
- González,
Jesús (University of Seville, Spain) [on-site]: The SuSAv2 model for inelastic neutrino-nucleus scattering.
- Hadizadeh,
Mohammadreza (Central State University, USA) [on-site]: A new form of Faddeev equations for
three-body bound states
- Hammad,
Mohamed (NCSR DEMOKRITOS Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Greece) [on-site]: The Uniform Algebraic Lattices in Two-Fluid Boson and Boson-Fermion Nuclear Models with Symplectic and Orthosymplectic Extensions
- Imran,
Mohd (Department of Physics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002, India) [on-line]: Strangeness in hybrid neutron stars
- Ivanov,
Martin (INRNE, BAS, Bulgaria) [on-site]: Neutral current quasielastic (anti)neutrino scattering beyond the Fermi gas model at MiniBooNE and BNL kinematics
- Jain,
Poonam (Sri Aurobindo College University of Delhi, India) [on-line]: Computation of unknown spins of 192Hg Superdeformed Band
- Kaliraman,
Surender (Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal, (Sonipat) India-131039, India) [on-line]: Interference effects in breakup reaction of exotic nuclei
- Kanakis-Pegios,
Alkiviadis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) [on-line]: The effect of temperature on the tidal deformability of neutron stars
- Karmanov,
Vladimir (Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia) [on-site]: Systems Dominated by Exchange Particles
- Kostryukov,
Pavel (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland) [on-site]: Study of low-energy fission actinide-nuclei with Fourier shape parametrization
- Kozlovskiy,
Artem (Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan) [on-site]: Simulation of Radiation Damage Processes Caused by Cosmic Radiation in Telluride Glasses
RAMESH (GURU KASHI UNIVERSITY, India) [on-site]: The investigation of even even Pd nuclei with the help of cubic terms formed by Casimir Invariant Operators using IBM-1
- Kumar,
Yogesh (Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi, India) [on-line]: Thermodynamics of QGP in the early universe
- Lahbas,
Alaaeddine (ESMaR, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco) [on-site]: Description of the gamma-unstable nuclei within deformation dependent mass and energy-dependent Davidson potential formalisms
- Machleidt,
Ruprecht (University of Idaho, USA) [on-line]: Alternative facts in microscopic nuclear structure
- Mahajan,
Rubby (Smvdu, jammu and kashmir, India) [on-site]: Study of flow and their fragments
- Minkov,
Nikolay (INRNE-BAS, Bulgaria) [on-site]: Nuclear metastability at different energy
- Mittal,
Harish Mohan (Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab, India. 144011, India) [on-site]: Systematics of Flat Superdeformed Bands
- Moustakidis,
Charalampos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) [on-line]: The third family of compact objects as a tool to constrain the nuclear equation of state
- Mutafchieva,
Yuliya (INRNE, BAS, Bulgaria) [on-site]: Composition and unified equation of state of magnetar crusts-influence of the magnetic field
- Nesterenko,
Valentin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia) [on-line]: Isoscalar giant monopole resonance in prolate 24Mg and oblate 28Si: effect of IS0/IS2 coupling
- Petousis,
Vlasios (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic) [on-line]:
- Petrellis,
Dimitrios (Nuclear Physics Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic) [on-site]: Study of K+Σ- photoproduction using an isobar model and statistical learning techniques
- Rahmatinejad,
Azam (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Russia) [on-site]: Level densities and survival probabilities of heaviest nuclei
- Rana,
Rajat (Panjab University, Chandigarh, India) [on-site]: A systematic study of nuclear stopping and various observables which reflect the degree of thermalization
- Sammarruca,
Francesca (University of Idaho, USA) [on-line]: The equation of state of neutron-rich matter at fourth order of chiral effective field theory and the radius of a medium-mass neutron star
- Stoyanov,
Zhivko (INRNE-BAS, Bulgaria) [on-site]: Fast numerical calculations of the equation of state of magnetar outer crust
Eric (Lab. Phys. Theorique, Toulouse University, France) [on-line]: Surprises in the dipole response of many electron systems