Thirteenth International Workshop on Nuclear Theory
Rila Mountains, Bulgaria
June 13-18, 1994
From 13-th to 18-th June, 1994, the 13-th Workshop on Nuclear Theory was held at the Scientific House of the Sofia University ''St. Kliment Ohridski'' in the Rila Moutains for about 40 participants.
The Workshop was organized by the Nuclear Theory group in the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia, Bulgaria). The sponsors of the Workshop were the Bulgarian National Science Foundation under contracts Phi - 32 and Phi - 10, the Bulgarian Committee of Atomic Energy, the Bulgarian National Academic Foundation (''Credit for Education'') and Dr. Lilia Marinova (Chicago, U.S.A.).
The main topics of the nuclear theory treated in the lectures were nucleon correlation effects in nuclei (Prof. C. Ciofi degli Atti, Prof. A.N. Antonov, Dr. V. Garistov, Dr. D. Karadjov, Prof. M. Grypeos, M.K. Gaidarov), collective nuclear motions (Prof. R. Hilton), applications of group theory methods in nuclear physics (Prof. J.P. Draayer, Prof. G. Rosensteel, Dr. C. Daskaloyannis, Dr. D. Bonatsos, Dr. R. Asherova, N. Minkov, Tz. Dankova), Wigner quantum systems (T. Palev), pre-equilibrium neutron and proton emission from nuclei (Dr. M. Avrigeanu), particle-nuclei collision processes at high energies (Prof. V.K. Lukyanov, Prof. Yu.A. Berezhnoy), few-body states (Dr. A.D. Polozov), optical potential for neutron-nucleus scattering (Dr. J. Engel), relativistic generator coordinate calculations (Dr. M. Stoitsov) and variational nuclear structure calculations (Dr. V. Dimitrov).
In the rest hours the participants visited the beautiful lakes of the Malyovitza region of the Rila Mountains situated over 2000 m above sea-level as well as the complex mountaineering ''Malyovitza''.
The Organizing Committee President was Professor I. Zh. Petkov. It is supposed that the next Workshop on nuclear theory will be held in June 1995.
A.N.Antonov and M.V.Stoitsov,
Nuclear Theory Group,
Department of Theoretical Physics,
Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Sofia 1784, Bulgaria
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