Fifteenth International Workshop on Nuclear Theory
Rila Mountains, Bulgaria
June 10-15, 1996
From 10-th to 15-th June, 1996, the 15-th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory was held at the Scientific House of the Sofia University "St.Kliment Ohridsky" in the Rila Mountains for about 40 participants.
The Workshop takes place every year and is organized by the Nuclear Theory Group of the Department of Theoretical Physics in the Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the Faculty of Physics of the University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridsky" and the Union of the Scientists in Bulgaria. The sponsors of the 15-th Workshop were the Bulgarian National Science Foundation, the Bulgarian Committee for Peaceful Use of the Atomic Energy and the Foundation "St.St. Cyril and Methodius".
This year the Workshop was dedicated to the memory of Professor Ivan Zhelyazkov Petkov who had been the initiator of the Workshop on Nuclear Theory and the President of the Organizing Committee from 1980 till 1995.
The Workshop was organized by the Nuclear Theory Group of the Department of Theoretical Physics in the Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the Faculty of Physics of the University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridsky" and the Union of the Scientists in Bulgaria. It was partly supported by the Bulgarian National Science Foundation under contracts Phi - 406, Phi - 415, Phi - 527, Phi - 547, the Bulgarian Committee for Peaceful Use of the Atomic Energy and the Foundation "St. St. Cyril and Methodius"
Lecturers and participants from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Japan, Romania, U.S.A. and Yugoslavia took part in the Workshop. A wide range of topics in the field of nuclear physics has been treated in the lectures and contributions.
Prof. M. Di Toro gave three lectures devoted to the hot giant dipole resonance problem, to the role of the dynamical fluctuations in medium energy heavy ion collisions and to the nuclear dynamics in the phase space.
The ground state correlations beyond RPA in finite Fermi systems were discussed by Prof. F. Catara. The short-range nucleon-nucleon correlation effects were considered on the examples of: i) various applications of semiclassical models (Prof. A.N. Antonov), ii) magnetic formfactors (D.N. Kadrev), iii) nucleon momentum distributions in exotic nuclei (M.K. Gaidarov), iv) charge densities (Dr. S. Massen).
The semiclassical distorted wave model for multistep direct processes in (p,p'x) and (p,nx) reactions at intermediate energies was presented by Prof. M. Kawai.
In the lecture of Dr. M. Avrigeanu nuclear surface localization of preequilibrium reactions at low energies was discussed by means of the obtained radial dependences of the nucleon's mean free path, of the probability for the first NN collision and the considered average Fermi energy and average strength of the effective NN interaction.
The global properties of low and high energy magnetic excitations in deformed nuclei were the topic of the lecture of Prof. N. Lo Iudice.
The particle decay of high-lying states in odd nuclei and the electric dipole transitions in the even-even N=84 isotones have been investigated by Prof. Ch. Stoyanov and N. Tsoneva.
A prospect of the recent results on the baryon mapping of quark systems was presented by Prof. S. Pittel. The study of the proton-neutron pairing in a solvable O(8) model of nuclei was discussed by Dr. M.V. Stoitsov.
The anomalous anisotropies of the fission fragments at near-barrier energies in heavy-ion induced reactions were treated by Dr. D. Vorcapic.
The experimental results on p+p ightarrow \pi++d reaction at excess energies between 0.275 MeV and 3.86 MeV from COSY (Julich) were presented by Dr. T. Kutsarova.
The applications of the collective vector-boson model to studies of the broken SU(3) symmetry in deformed even-even nuclei were given in the contribution of N.Minkov. Symmetries in nuclei and molecules were the subject of Dr. D. Bonatsos's lecture. P. Terziev presented the results obtained in the simplified boson realization of the soq(3) subalgebra of uq(3) and concerning also the matrix elements of soq(3) quadrupole operators. The applications and the representation theory of the deformed U(su(2)) and U(osp(1,2)) algebras and the parafermionic oscillators were reviewed in the lecture of Dr. C. Daskaloyannis.
The Strutinsky's shell-correction procedure has been applied within the Hartree-Fock-Roothaan method to atoms and ions in the work presented by A. Kuleff.
The high-mountain lakes and tourist houses in Rila attracted again the participants during the rest hours after the lectures and discussions.
It is supposed the next 16-th Workshop on Nuclear Theory to be held in June 1997.
A.N.Antonov and M.V.Stoitsov,
Nuclear Theory Group,
Department of Theoretical Physics,
Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Sofia 1784, Bulgaria
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