XXXIII International Workshop on Nuclear Theory
Rila Mountains, Bulgaria
22 - 28 June 2014
The Thirty Third International Workshop on Nuclear Theory was held between 22 - 28 June 2014 in Rila Mountains, Bulgaria.
The main topics of the program were:
nucleon-nucleon correlation effects on nuclear structure and reactions; symmetries in nuclear structure; collective and intrinsic motions of nuclei; exotic nuclei; few-body systems; advanced studies of many-fermion systems; nuclear astrophysics and related topics.
They are related to the problems contained in the research plan of the Nuclear Theory Laboratory of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
The Workshop was attended by 42 participants (including the organizers) from 19 scientific institutions of 11 countries: Armenia, Romania, Italy, India, South Africa, Russia, Uzbekistan, Poland, Hungary, USA, UK, Slovakia, France and Spain. The scientific program contained totally 30 oral talks and 4 posters. The Workshop proved once more time itself as a fruitful ground for exchanging ideas not only between nuclear physics scientists from different fields and institutions, but also between the experienced scientists and the new comming generation of young physicists. The beautiful mountain nature, the good weather and the friendly atmosphere at the workshop provided a nice opportunity for direct communication between participants inspiring ideas for future work and developments.
The Organizers would like to thank all participants for their contribution to the success of the Workshop.
The Thirty Fourth International Workshop on Nuclear Theory will be held between 21-st and 27-th of June 2015 in Rila Mountains.
A. Georgieva and N. Minkov
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