XXXI International Workshop on Nuclear Theory
Rila Mountains, Bulgaria
24 - 30 June 2012
The Thirty First International Workshop on Nuclear Theory was held between 24 - 30 June 2012 in Rila Mountains, Bulgaria.
The main topics of the program were:
nucleon-nucleon correlation effects on nuclear structure and reactions; symmetries in nuclear structure; collective and intrinsic motions of nuclei; exotic nuclei; few-body systems; advanced studies of many-fermion systems; nuclear astrophysics and related topics.
They are related to the problems contained in the research plan of the Nuclear Theory Laboratory of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
The Workshop was attended by 48 participants (including the organizers) from India, France, Germany, UK, Belgium, Hungary, Poland, Spain, Russia, Kazakhstan, South Africa, USA and Bulgaria. The scientific program contained totally 34 oral talks. The schedule of the Workshop was organized so as to provide an opportunity for meetings and discussions among scientists with common interests as well as among physicists working in different fields of research. The secluded mountain area and the lovely forest venue allowed the participants to concentrate on their scientific work but also to refresh between the sessions and get an inspiration for future work development.
The Organizers would like to thank all participants for their contribution to the success of the Workshop.
The financial support from the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant is highly appreciated.
The Thirty Second International Workshop on Nuclear Theory will be held between 23-th and 29-th of June 2013 in Rila Mountains.
A. Georgieva and N. Minkov
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