International Workshop "Shapes and Dynamics of Atomic Nuclei: Contemporary Aspects" (SDANCA-19), 3-5 October 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria
List of Registered Participants
(To download the abstract, please click the title)
- Andreev, Alexander
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia):
"Mass and charge distributions in fission with the dinuclear system model"
- Atanasova, Liliya (MU-Sofia, Bulgaria)
- Beeks, Kjeld (TU Wien, Austria):
"Exciting the Thorium-229 isomer in a crystal"
- Bonatsos, Dennis (NCSR Demokritos, Greece):
"Proxy-SU(3) symmetry for heavy deformed nuclei: nuclear spectra"
- Bonneau, Ludovic (University of Bordeaux - CENBG, France):
"K-isomeric states in heavy, well-deformed nuclei within a microscopic framework with selfconsistent blocking and consistent pairing"
- Budaca, Radu
(Horia Hulubei - National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Romania):
"Chiral bands with rigid quasiparticle alignments"
- Buganu, Petrica
(Horia Hulubei - National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Romania):
"Quasi-exact description of the phase transition from spherical vibrator to gamma-unstable rotor"
- Chen, Qibo (Technical University Munich, Germany):
"Transverse wobbling in odd-neutron and even-even nuclei"
- Christov, Christo
(Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Sofia, Bulgaria;
Institüt für Threoretische Physik II, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany)
- Cseh, Jozsef (MTA ATOMKI, Hungary):
"Nuclear shapes and the stability and consistency of the SU(3) symmetry"
- Deyanova, Galya (University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski", Bulgaria)
- Drumev, Kalin (INRNE, BAS, Bulgaria):
"Justification of a Unified Algebraic Shell-Model Approach Based on Existing Symmetries of the Nuclear Shells"
- Egido, J. Luis (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain):
"An overview of the Symmetry Conserving Configuration Mixing description of odd- and even-A nuclei with the Gogny force"
- Ganev, Huben (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia):
"Microscopic structure of the low-lying collective states in 152Sm"
- Garistov, Vladimir (INRNE, BAS, Bulgaria):
"Description of Phase Transitions between Alternating Parity Bands with the Symplectic Interacting Vector Boson Model"
- Georgieva, Ana (IE, BAS, Bulgaria)
- Hornung, Christine (JLU Giessen, Germany):
"High precision mass measurements and separation of nuclear isomers with a multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer"
- Ivanov, Martin (INRNE, BAS, Bulgaria)
- Ivanova, Desislava (Military Medical Academy; UMHAT "Saint Ekaterina", Bulgaria)
- Kota, Venkata Krishnabrahmam (Physical Research Laboratory, India):
"Shell model analysis of multiple SU(3) algebras in nuclei"
- Kyrchev, Georgy (unaffiliated, Bulgaria)
- Lalazissis, Georgios (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece):
"Two quasiparticle K-isomers within the covariant density functional theory"
- Lalkovski, Stefan
(Sofia University "St. Kl. Ohridski", Bulgaria):
"Erosion of j-1 Anomaly"
- Leviatan, Amiram
(Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, Israel):
"Multiple quantum phase transitions in the Zr isotopes"
- McCoy, Anna (TRIUMF, Canada, and the University of Notre Dame, USA):
"Emergent Sp(3,R) dynamical symmetry from an ab initio description of the nuclear many-body system"
- Martinou, Andriana (INPP DEMOKRITOS, Greece):
"A mechanism for shape coexistence"
- Mertzimekis, Theo J. (University of Athens, Greece):
"Lifetimes and moments measurements to investigate the structure of midheavy nuclei"
- Mihailov, Lyubomir (Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgaria)
- Minkov, Nikolay (INRNE, BAS, Bulgaria):
"Nuclear structure effects involving pear-shape deformation"
- Moore, Iain (University of Jyvaskyla, Finland):
"Optical spectroscopy - probing the size, shape and single-particle properties of exotic nuclei"
- Moustakidis, Charalampos
(Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Physics, Greece):
"Deformation in nuclear matter: from finite nuclei to rapidly rotating neutron stars"
- Nerlo-Pomorska, Bozena (Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Poland)
- Petrache, Costel
(CSNSM, CNRS/IN2P3 and University Paris Sud, France):
"Exotic rotations in Ba and Nd nuclei"
- Pomorski, Krzysztof
(Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Poland):
"On the shape coexistence and shape isomers in even-even nuclei in vicinity of 208Pb"
- Quentin, Philippe (CENBG, Bordeaux, France):
"Collective coupling between pairing correlations and global rotation modes revisited"
- Ring, Peter (Technical University Munich, Germany):
"Correlations beyond mean field based on covariant density functional theory"
- Sarantopoulou, Smaragda (NCSR Demokritos, Greece):
"Two-nucleon separation energies within the proxy-SU(3) model"
- Shneidman, Timur
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia):
"Dynamics of dinuclear system in mass asymmetry coordinate"
- Stefanova, Elena (INRNE-BAS, Bulgaria)
- Stoilova, Neli (INRNE, Bulgaria)
- Thirolf, Peter (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany):
"What do we know about the 229Th nuclear clock isomer?"
- Tsoneva, Nadia
(Horia Hulubei - National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Romania):
"Electromagnetic Transitions and Branching Ratios as a Tool for Investigating the Fine Structure of Nuclear Excitations"
- Velchev, Chavdar (INRNE-BAS, Bulgaria)
- Walker, Philip (University of Surrey, UK):
"High-K isomer decay rates and the effect of beta-deformation changes"
- Wong, Cheuk-Yin (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S.A.):
"On the Nature of the Hoyle State"
- Yordanov, Orlin (INRNE, BAS, Bulgaria)
- Zhao, Pengwei (Peking University, China):
"Rod-shaped nuclei in covariant density functional theory"