First Announcement
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the Thirty First International Workshop on Nuclear Theory we are pleased to invite you to participate in the Workshop. It will be held from 24th June (arrival day) to 30th of June (departure day) 2012 in Rila Mountains, Bulgaria.
The International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (IWNT) is annually organized since 1980 by the Nuclear Theory Laboratory of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Proceedings of the Workshop will be published.
The aim of the Workshop is to provide an international forum for exchange of ideas, discussions and collaboration between researchers in nuclear physics and related areas. The program of IWNT31-2012 is expected to include the most recent theoretical and experimental advances in the field covering the following topics:
- nucleon-nucleon correlation effects on nuclear structure and reactions;
- symmetries in nuclear structure;
- collective and intrinsic motions of nuclei;
- exotic nuclei;
- few-body systems;
- advanced studies of many-fermion systems;
- nuclear astrophysics and related topics.
The Workshop fee is 400 EUR (280 EUR for students and accompanying persons). It covers the participation fee, 6 days full board, accommodation, the social program, travel expenses from Sofia to Rila Mountains and back and a copy of the book with the Proceedings of the Workshop.
For students and young scientist a poster session will be organized. Five minute presentations of the posters with a few slides will be included in the program.
If you wish to participate to the Workshop and give a talk, please inform us by 31-st of January 2012. An abstract of the talk/poster (up to 1 page written in LaTeX sample) should be sent to the Workshop e-mail given below by 15-th of March 2012. Also, you are kindly invited to register on the Workshop web site given below.
The E-mail address for correspondence is:
The Workshop web site is:
If you need more information about the Workshop do not hesitate to contact us.
With best regards,
Prof. A. I. Georgieva, Chairperson of the Organizing Committee
Assoc. Prof. N. Minkov, Scientific secretary