- Agarwal, Dr. Avinash (Research lab, India) Effect of entrance channel parameters on incomplete fusion reactions
- Akkoyun, Serkan (Cumhuriyet University, Türkiye) Neural Network Applications in Nuclear Physics: Determinations semi-empirical mass formula coefficient
- Antonov, Anton (INRNE BAS (assoc.member), BULGARIA) Volume and Surface Components of the Nuclear Symmetry Еnergy
- Barbaro, Maria B. (University of Turin and INFN, Italy) Recent progress in neutrino-nucleus interaction
- Bayram, Tuncay (Sinop University, Turkey) Optimization of Relativistic Mean Field Model Parameters for Finite Nuclei
- Caballero, Juan Antonio (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain) Interaction of electrons and neutrinos with nuclei: the Relativistic Mean Field
- Cowley, Anthony (Stellenbosch University, South Africa) Recent Conclusions from Proton-Induced 3He- and α-Emission into the Continuum
- Day, Donal (University of Virginia, United States) Short Range Correlations in Nuclei - Progress and Prospects
- De Diego, Raul (C2TN, Portugal) Three-body observables with core excitation
- Drumev, Kalin (INRNE-BAS, Bulgaria) Phase transitions in the algebraic microscopic Pairing-plus-Quadrupole Model for N~Z ds-shell nuclei: Role of the single-particle term in the Hamiltonian
- Gaidarov, Mitko (INRNE, BAS, Bulgaria) Elastic Scattering of 8B Proton-Halo Projectile on Nuclear Targets at Energies 20-170 MeV
- Galoyan, Aida (JINR, Dubna, Russia) Dynamics of Anti-Proton - Protons and Anti-Proton - Nucleus Reactions.
- Hassan, Galal (Physics Department , Assiut University, Egypt) Barrier Height and Excitation Function Calculations for Nuclear Fusion
- Ivanov, Martin (INRNE, BAS, Bulgaria) Charged-Current Inclusive Neutrino Cross Sections in the SuperScaling Model Including Quasielastic, Pion Production and Meson-Exchange Contributions
- Kabatayeva, Raushan (al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan) Elastic proton-scattering on 13C and 15C nuclei in the diffraction theory
- Karakatsanis, Konstantinos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) Spin-orbit splittings between 2p1/2-2p3/2 and 1f5/2-1f7/2 neutron states in 40Ca, 38Ar, 36S and 34Si N = 20 isotones, with covariant density functionals
- Kota, Venkata Krishna Brahmam (Physical Research Laboratory, India) Spectral distribution method for neutrinoless double beta decay:
82Se and 76Ge examples
- Maridi, Hasan (Physics Department, Faculty of Applied Science, Taiz University, Taiz, Yemen, Yemen)
- Martinou, Andriana (INPP Demokritos Athens, Greece) Emergence of SU(3) symmetry in deformed nuclei
- Mavrodiev, Strachimir (INRNE,BAS,Sofia, Bulgaria) Improved generalization of the Bethe-Weizsacker mass formulae
- Minkov, Nikolay (INRNE-BAS, Bulgaria) Study of alternating-parity spectra in Ba-Ce nuclei
- Mutafchieva, Yuliya (INRNE-BAS, Bulgaria) Transport properties in the crust of highly magnetised neutron stars
- Nadirbekov, Makhmud (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Uzbekistan) Reduced E1- and E2-transition probabilities in excited collective states of axial even-even nuclei
- Nakada, Hitoshi (Chiba University, Japan) Evidence for three-nucleon interaction in isotope shifts of Z=magic nuclei
- Negrea, Daniel (National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania) Proton–neutron pairing in N=Z nuclei: Quartetting versus pair condensation
- Obreshkov, Boyan (Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgaria) Systematic effects in measurement of the negatively charged pion mass using laser spectroscopy of metastable pionic helium atoms
- Prmantayeva, Bekzat (L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan, Republic of Kazakhstan) Study the possibilities of the PET/CT method with 18F-FET in nuclear medicine
- Ryskulova, Galiya (Republican Diagnostic Center Branch of "University Medical Center" Corporate Fund, Astana, Kazakhstan, Republic of Kazakhstan) Study the possibilities of the PET/CT method with 18F-FET in nuclear medicine
- Sahu, Rankanidhi (Berhampur University, India) Deformed shell model study of heavy N=Z nuclei and dark matter detection
- Sarantopoulou, Smaragda (Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos, Greece) Prolate - Oblate Shape Transition in Neutron - Rich Heavy Rare Earths
- Smetana, Adam (IEAP CTU, Czech Republic) Nonlinear QRPA approach to nuclear states of multiphonon origin
- Stefanik, Dusan (Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia) Neutrinoless double-beta decay with left and right-handed currents revisited
- Suraud, Eric (University Toulouse, France) Dissipation in quantum time dependent mean field
- Takibayev, Nurgali (al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Republic of Kazakhstan) Few-Body Models in Dark Matter Problem
- Terasaki, Jun (Czech technical University in Prague, Czech) Two decay paths for calculating nuclear matrix element of neutrinoless double-beta decay
- Vorabbi, Matteo (University of Pavia, Italy) Theoretical optical potential derived from chiral potentials
- Yotov, Plamen (INRNE-BAS, Bulgaria) Relation between parity shift effects in the spectra of neighbouring even-even and odd-mass octupole deformed nuclei
- Zemlyanaya, Elena (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia) Microscopic Analysis of Elastic and Inelastic Pion-Nucleus Scattering at Energies of (3 3) resonance