• darkblurbg
    Twentieth International Workshop
    on Quantum Systems in
    Chemistry, Physics and Biology

    September 14-20, 2015

    This workshop, like the previous QSCP meetings,
    will bring together chemists and physicists interested in
    quantum systems in molecular, nano and material sciences.
    Emphasis will be on relativistic quantum theory, many-body methodology,
    innovative conceptualization, computational realization, and novel applications.

    Twentieth International Workshop
    on Quantum Systems in
    Chemistry, Physics and Biology

    September 14-20, 2015

    This workshop, like the previous QSCP meetings,
    will bring together chemists and physicists interested in
    quantum systems in molecular, nano and material sciences.
    Emphasis will be on relativistic quantum theory, many-body methodology,
    innovative conceptualization, computational realization, and novel applications.


The Proceedings of the Workshop will be published in Progress of Theoretical Chemistry and Physics (PTCP-Springer)...

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The complete book of abstracts can be downloaded from here:

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Scientific and Social Program of QSCP-XX Varna, Bulgaria

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  • Euxinograd Palace
  • Golden Sands
  • Archaeological Museum
  • Stone Forest


As during most QSCP workshops since Sofia (Bulgaria) and also at the ICTCP-IV Congress in Marly-le-Roi (France), there will be an AWARD CEREMONY for the CMOA Promising Scientist Prize at the Banquet Dinner of QSCP-XX.

If you wish to APPLY or NOMINATE a young scientist please consult our web site: www.lcpmr.upmc.fr/prize.html and send your application or nomination before July 16 to Prof. Alia Tadjer, Cochair of the QSCP-XX workshop (tadjer@chem.uni-sofia.bg), with copies to Prof. Jean Maruani, President of CMOA (qscp.etal@gmail.com), and to Prof. Erkki Brändas, Chair of the Selection Committee (erkki.brandas@kemi.uu.se).